May 24, 1945. Mr. R. A. Heggart, Chief Mate, SS Nathaniel J. Wyeth, San Franciseo, California. Dear Bob: I wes indeed happy to hear from yous I saw John Brand at the Country Club yesterday and he told me you had written him. Not very long ago Mrs. Smith, mother of “Rip” Smith, told me that she had a stopwatch which had belonged to her husband who had used it to time horses, and now that she no loncer hed any use for it she wanted to sell it to me. Ever since I got your letter that was in the back of my mind, but I couldn't think of her nesme. It occurred to me this morning and I called her. People are , always trying to sell me something, from therapeutic lamps to scales. ‘There was cone fellow who had a therapeutic lamp for his wife who died of cancer, and he wanted to trade me the lemp for a couple of season tickets so he could take his girl to the football and basketball Zamsese Mre. Smith is taking the stogiestabto Makepeace i eases 40 tpprndoet. Then I called John Brand and told hin what I had done. ono eee visit with hin. I am sending you a copy of a mimeographed letter wo sent to som. of our boys in the service. You may be interested in some of their activities. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.