May 13,. 1945. I had a call from your dad the other day, saying that you had refused to let me or any of the old folks or any — of your friends around here help you. I want to commend and congratulate you on the old fighting spirit to do the job your- self. Seid Ged wath yee get txt es ny tn yore me ‘power and you are still going to move on your own power. Con- gratulations on that spirit, but I want you to know if and when Se address. Se is ictal wis aida aa base bs the service and will use that letter as an aid in lining up their addresses when you want to drop them a note. Another will be fortheoming in a few weeks now. We will heve a lot of nemee to eee eS or JYe With all good wishes, I an Sincerely y ours, , Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH ‘ Varsity Basketball Coach.