\7 August 4, 1943. Vajor Maurice Clavelle Holden, - Box 414, Carmel, Californias Dear Major Clavelie: I was delighted to receive the amouncement of your marriage to Miss Coovert. I congratulate you and wish for you a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. ZI also wish to congratulate you on your majority. | You certainly have done exceptionally well, and my fond e is for your continued progression. | hope By the way, I have a brother, Col. Harry 3, Allen, who is Commandant of the R.0.T.C. at Stanford University. If you yOUs get up the coast I know he would be delighted to see daughter, Mary Allen Hamilton, lived at Carmel until Very sincerely yours, ( Direstor of Physical Kiucation,. FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.