Mr. Me Fe Ahearn, Director of Athletics, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas. Dear Mike: I aa sorry that I have delayed answering you good letter of October 22nd. I thought I would have e chance to talk with you when you were here at the football game but I failed to locate you. I em sending you our schedule, begimiing January 3, and you can eee that every Saturday night is taken from January 8 until Merch 4th. ee ee ey Se See ee et Es Merch 3, so the 4th of course would be out. It looks as if the way the schedule is drawn that we will have to play during the week both at Lawrence and Manhattan. I believe that Kensas State played the last game here last year, so it would be up to us to entertain you here first this year, and play our sedond game at Manhattan. How about a game between the 22nd of January and the 29th, here at Lewrence, and between Pebruary Sth and 12th at Manhattan? ‘ Or, between February 19 and 26, at Manhattan? I just want to correct one statement in your facetious re- marks, Michael. i said we would be happy to play with our Kansas eousins, and not —s cousins. Sincerely yours, _ Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.