August 26, 1942. Mr. W. R. Bill Schroeder, Managing Director, Helms Athletic Foundation, 401 %. M. Garland Building, Los Angeles, California. Dear Mr. Schroeder: I em enclosing your questionnaire filled out to the best of my ability. Naturally I would select the men that I have seen the most of and apparently know the most about. —- UU story. Se aa cs cua Gah Seiad saddles eek 0 peuition’ part in this questionnaire, but the fact that we have won 23 . out of 50 chempionships in the Missouri Valley and Big Six con- ference naturally makes Kensas quite prominent in our section. I am sending you a booklet on Basketball at the University of Kensas published in 1936. Professor W. A. Dill, who published this booklet, has passed on, but this gives you enough dope on the Kansas teams. Since this was published Kansas has won | chempionships in '36, tied with Nebraska in '37, won in '38, tied in '40, won in '41, and this year we were co-champions with the University of Oklahoma. : _ Ig there is anything further than I can give you that will be helpful I will be very happy to do so. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAAH Varsity Besketbell Coach. Enc.