eG Parlin eet - rang ie ey Ray tt eal eles ge MRD RT ES ee Le RCT RN eg eae RETEST ya Cc Sp ae THE CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS OMAHA, NEBRASKA E. S. HICKEY HEAD COACH OF BASKETBALL Dr. Forrest C. Allen Page Two. At the same time I fully realize that you have not had any direct connection with the N.C.A.A. for several years. I was just an “infant" in the coaching tenure at Creighton when this move was made. These problems surely do not:concern you nor should you be charged with any of their decisions. I mention it because it throws the only light on any possibility that I may have been credited with some statement that 4 associated you with the "N.C.A.A. crowd." : | a Three years ago we were the Fifth District Representative. Last year, as the defending Champions and the Missouri Valley Co-Champions we were ( if pre- cedent of former years was to be followed) entitled to an opportunity to again represent the Fifth District. When it became apparant that the Committee was not fav- orable to our participationwe were, nevertheless, saved post season play by the invitation from the East. We gladly accepted this opportunity. Information from most reliable sources led us tobelieve that the Committee was not favorable to Creighton and in a good measure on account of the many press notices bearing your quotation to the effect that youwould not play Creighton. Since we had an opportunity to play in the Hast I saw no reason for making an issue over this situation. One member of the Selection Committee expressed appreciation that we withdrew in favor of the Metropolitan Tournament. After all, I could not blame you for taking full advantage of your well deserved victory over Creighton. We, at the time, were not destined tofare so badly since the in- es vitation from the East was forthcoming. og We accepted the Esstern bid this year and at a time before any action had been taken by the Fifth District. The Selection Committee was advised at the earliest moment of our decision. You will recall our ‘discussion of this matter before our game here on March 4, Should you have been able to have kept your squad to- gether and have been successful in representing the Fifth District, I am sure that our action would have been just the same in a measure of loyalty to the Eastern group. who took us in the previous year and for remunerative . reasons. It has been our thought that if any "snubbing" has occurred it has not been on the part of Creighton. We do join with the other Missouri Valley Coaches in their disapproval of the actions of the Fifth District Selection Committee. It is our hope that this situation may clear up when we are able to resume playing again. I do wish to repeat that I have appreciated our