eS ee So RES CoH Oe Ensign F, £, Harwi. dr Commander Service Force Southwest Pacific Force C/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco California December 20th, 1942 Dear Dr. Allen: Every year, for the past several, at just about this same time, I have written you a letter asking for a schedule of the basketball games and to see if you would arrange tickets for me for the home games, this year 1 can and am writing the letter, and can ask for the schedule, but I am afraid I cant make any of the games, though I will be pulling for you and the boys for a completely successful season , | Somehow or another I ended up away down here in Australia, but that is not going to prevent me from keeping up with my " favorite five’, even though no results are published in the papers down here, Sure would appreciate it if you could have your secretary just jot down the results of each game and drop them to me on a V-Mail form, My boss is an old Cornhusker and I think I can entice him into a little wager, which is the surest way I know of picking up an extra potind and a few shillings, | : It has been quite a little while since I have seen a Kansas news- paper so hardly have the latest dope on who is returning, and who is likely to be among the starting five, but if- last years sophomores return it, should be in the bag already...Is Charlie Black baek and ready for a big season? Also would appreciate it if you would remember me to Max Kissell, ---I used to work with him in the Highway, liy brother, Bob, enrolled in the University this year, and is re- siding over at the Fiji house, I asked him to drop in your office and introduce himself sometime, but haven't heard whether he did or not, Sure wish you could make a ball player out of him---he has plenty of heighth, but I suppose his working in the College office together with other activities and studies keeps his time pretty well occupied, I presume he will supplant me as K, u's most rabid basketball fan, but he will have to go some, ? There isn't much news of interest I am permitted to send you from this side, but just wanted to get on the mailing list of K, U. basket- ball information, Sure would like to be asking you to make arrangements for my tickets again---~these will be the first home games I have missed in many years, If you have a few spare moments some time I would like to hear from you, Until then, good luck for a swell season Sincerely yours, Emap LSP a