February 18, 1942. Mire Lacey Haynes, ; 2500 Nashington Blvd., Kansas City, Xansas. Dear Lacey: very pleasant visit that for our entire baseball schedule being was scheduled. Of course, I do not ask know the boys would like to play some © it would look like en entire let~ .played. It seems to m and to than end gain nothing by p Tf we defeated them there would % to them it would be a great smaller achool and a let~down for nice visit with Tom Van Cleave, and Tom "ae — out as but. ale I have just returned from the I had with you and Mrs. Haynes. a it I becaus no games were boys feel that to compete with their confer- Therefore, since other schedules of other teams are being played by our school, the baseball they should have the chance ence rivals. slietfy aay Puy: nllall Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach AH blackse