Marcy 21,1942 he Hall Litho graphing Company LITHOGRAPHING i. EMBOSSING PRINTING ait STATIONERY 623 KANSAS AVENUE Tope Kka,KaNSAS WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT of MR. ROBERT B, WILLHOITE as our Mimeograph Representative for your territory. Mr. Willhoite succeeds Mr. Marvin Van Vleck who has taken over the City of Topeka territory. We feel sure you will find Mr. Willhoite to be well informed on the subject of A. B. Dick Mimeograph duplicators inasmuch as this has been his line of work for the past several years. He will be glad to help you in every way to secure best results and true economy from the use of your Mimeograph duplicator. He is well qualified to assist you with any of your duplicating problems. As a natural result of a change of this kind, it may be a little while before Mr. Willhoite is able to cover his complete territory. If, during the mean- time, there is any way we can assist you by mail, we will be glad to have you write us. THE HALL LITHOGRAPHING COMPANY MIMEOGRAPH DEPARTMENT Topeka, Kansas March 21, 1942 A, B. DICK DISTRIBUTOR FOR EASTERN KANSAS.