The Greens Committee consisting of Otto Barteldes, Al Bromelsick and Van Bruner make the following report which wes approved by the Board. A new layout with the course to be as follows: 1 -= present 47 with tee extended. a #2 -- present 78. a 7, == present 79. #, -- present #1. , ] -- present 72. a ~~ present #13. q shooting from present #1 tee, dog-leg hole, to present . #16 green. 4 ~= present #17. , 4 -- present #18. : 3 = SE SEH The question has been asked a good many times in recent weeks as to whether a sufficient amount of chemicals, fertilizer and so forth gan be obtained this season for maintenance of the remaining greens. We are assured that there will be an ample supply. The Greens Committee is going to keep the remaining greens in as fine shape as possible and keep the fairways and roughs in good shape so as to speed-up play all possible. A number of courses across the country have the same problem facing them that Has faced us. rr ed We hear some very complimentary remarks on the menus and food that the Anderson's are preparing for the various club functions. We only wish more people would take advantage of this phase of club service. With the coming of spring we hope to see more people on the course, and more people taking advantage of the dining facilitics. ~~—_ so me wooo wee rll rOlcrOlUrlcrOUl Olle > During the last four years we have experienced a substantial Club turnover in membership. It requires the complete cooperation of every member to keep our membership built up. Roger Allen is chairman of the Membership Committee. If you have a pro- spect, call Roger. His phone at Fritz Company is h. He will be glad to send your prospect a guest card or send it to you for delivery. It is ee always desirable to bring a new member out to the club to see that he be- a comes acquainted with other members. This makes his club life more enjoy~ : able. ? Yours truly, LAWRENCE COUNTRY CLUB C. Ge Hesse, President