March 27, 1942. Mr. Williem S$. Miunt, | County | of Schools, . Greeley, Colorado. Dear ir. Hunt: In response to your letter of March 25th, I am glad to send you some material worked out by Mr. Henry Shenk, a member of our department, which we believe will be helpful to you in your physical education program for junior and senior high schools. I am also sending you a Manual of Guidance, Part XII. Physical Education, issued by the Kansas Department of Education. After you have finished with this booklet we should appreciate your returning it. | ‘In addition, may I refer you to the book by Williams end Shaw, “Methods and Materials of Health Pducation". This will also contain valuable material for your progrere If we cen help further, please command use : Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.