> e well prepared to defend your way of life against ruthless aggressors whose ambition it is to overrun our country as well as the rest of the world. Outdoor exercise is just as important to the physical fitness of your parents. Lend them your enthusiastic support and enlist theirs. If you thrill to these words from the Declaration of Independence: “We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor,” you will do your part. EXERCISE CREATES ENERGY — HELPS BUILD VIGOR Chins and tummies in, chest out—is the golden rule for Us S. Army flying cadets in the daily morning period of mass calisthenics prior to breaking into small groups for tumbling, wrestling, boxing, handball and other sports designed to build healthy bodies, develop coordination and create energy. Of the many good forms of exercise, most valuable is that done in the open air when good technique is observed—walking, for instance, can be done by all. Resolve to get up a half hour earlier —walk or bicycle to school or to work in preference to riding in a car or bus. Results will show in better health and stamina, firmer muscles, quicker thinking — providing that you observe proper posture. (See page 7.) HOW POSTURE AFFECTS HEALTH The function of the lungs is to supply air to oxygenate the blood but they cannot take in a full supply when the chest is slumped. Asa re- sult we get a poorer quality of blood to feed the tissues. When poor posture is habitual, vital organs sag and become displaced; the functioning of the stomach, liver, heart and intestines may be seriously impaired. The result is often inability to digest food properly, poor elimination, nerv- ousness and decreased stamina. The body’s susceptibility to germs is increased because of lowered vitality. Good morale and stamina usu- ally accompany firm muscles. Without exercise the body becomes flabby and weak. With it we build strength.