uyFincouteciate “ATHLETICS ‘ THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA NORMAN : OKLAHOMA Sept. 6, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc:- I'm happy to report to you that according to the minutes of the Big Six that it is possible to play where you wish this year. Under "Changes in Elgibility Regulations, as of Feb. 27, 1943", be---That each institution be free to work out its athletic schedules as to time, place, and number of contests in such manner as to fulfill its regular student and to its Armed Force components". With the rules as they are and Kansas City so centrally located what do you think of vlaying two Big Big games in Kansas City on two nites. Say bring Kansas, Iowa State and Nebraska in with us and shift the second nite. It would give us a chance eliminate that long hop to Iowa State, and also an opportunity to cash in. I don't think our athletic department would permit vs to take too many of these games away from our campus, but I'm sure that this could be worked out to our satisfaction. Of course you paid us more money at your place this year than we paid you here, but don't forget.that.-yow had the ball club last year and with that kind of a team if they don't bring them its a sad story. I was speaking of the schools that cannot seat enough people ever pay us more than our guarentee. This diden't a@nclude Kansas as you well know. As for the A. A. U., we got a cut from the Eastern play-éffs held at Madison Square Garden. I made about 90.00 on our allowances made us while in K. C. and the rest came from the office of the hoarders. We waited six months for it, but when it came it was a pleasant suprise. At the time I wrote you concerning the possibility of playing A. A. U. teams I was thinking of Kansas and Oklahoma plaving two such teams in Denver. I know that Wyoming and Phillips cleared $10,000. in two games in Denver. As far playing in Denver, I don't think it would go unless teams around there are strong enough to warrent support. So if you think it woulden't be advisable to bring up the A. A. U. I'll just forget ite