Hovember 13, 1941 Mr. Harley Dyvis Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer Kensas City Power and Light Company Kansas City, lio. Dear Harley, Thank you very much for your good letter regerding Wilson. He is doing fine and each evening he comes over to the house and visits with us. . Wilson is working for us here at the University on the stadium building and gounds shift and doing some fine work. I believe that he will get in good shape physically so that he can stand the work of Joe Westwood's foundry. I appreciate your mentioning this and I am writing Joe a letter today and am sending you a co,y of the sane. If you have a chance to give Joe a ring I would appreciate it. Anything thet you can do in Wilson's behalf will be greatly appreciated by mee I took your letter home last night and read 4% to Wileon, He seemed greatly pleased with the possibility. However, I told him that he would have to work hard around here for a while and make good and in addition he would have to get — in tip-top physical shape to stand foundry work. I believe that he will do it, Wilson is married and his wife has a child by a former marriage. This little tot had @ mastoid operation yesterday and Wilson had to make some arrangements at St. Luke's hospital . We helped him in this situgtion and he really is beginning to feel a share ef his responsibility. Thank you, Harley. Sincerely ° : Director of Physical Education and Recreation — FCA/pg Varsity B,sketball and Baseball Coach