‘November 1, 1941 International News Service | Hearst Building Chicago, Illinois Dear. Mr. Hovey, I'm very glad to have your letter from New York dateé Oct. B06 It will be a pleasure to see you if and when I em in Chicago. fhe Kansas basketball team is playing DePaul in Chicago on Jane $1 at the Chicago stadium. T trust that I may have the pleasure of visiting with you et that time. We play Towe at lowe City on Jane 30 and doubtless we will come on into Chicago.on the SOthe Itll be very happy to talk with you regarding my attitude on | big-time inter-collegiate athletics. That takes in both football . and basketball. I've said that big-time basketball is as uch a racket as big-tine football only tasketbell is on a smaller scale due to the fact that there’s not so much money ‘aken in at the gate. fhe same proseliting, the same abuses of making the boy feel that athletics are his primal purpose in college are dominant, but they are less apparent. The coaches are becoming preseliting hounds rether than teachers of physical education. Formerly, it was the barber shop that the , ‘couches hung out in and told the down town bunch about the activi~ ‘thes of the team. Now it's the banks ané the bond houses that the - Please understand me, I'm not saying that we do not have many fine coaches yet who do not do this thing, but what about the next gener= ation of coaches taken, of course, from the athletics who are play- ing now. If these present-day athletes get their laboratory ex- under the proseliting type of coaches what can we expect? If these present-day athletes get their board and room and tuition expenses paid for playing on en athletic team, whet will be the attitude of these fellows when they become coaches? ‘It is perfectly obvious that they will not be in the position to challenge the boys . ing the fine, high, standards that should obtain in regard to athletics, but they will go out to the market and buy them-the seme as any of the big-league clubs buy thoir beseball players. Now don't misunderstand me, I'm not against football. I'm strong for football and I'm strong for basketball, but the coaches are making a racket out of it rather than a sport. The professional baseball