Jamuary 16, 1942. ire Pobert E, Lee Hii. 114 Jesse Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mos ‘Dear Bob: It was swell of you to te me as you did in your letter of January Sth. You ikmow, I didn't think it was possible, Bob, that they could have a football geme like the Suger Bowl with Missouri in it end keep you awey from that gathering, even though they hog-tied you. ! , At Rotary meeting last Monday we had J. Willard Ridings, one of your boysef former days, together with his son, Paul. le spoke on "Publicizing a Big Time Football Team". Je Willard is at present Direetor of Publicity at Texas Christian University, and his son holds the same position at Midland College, Fremont, Nebraska. ‘This is the only father- son combination of this sort in the world, and they also have “the distinction of being the only father and son holding master’s degrees in Journalism from the University of Missouri. | I told the Rotarians that we had endeavored to get Bob Hill, and failing te get Bob on ascount of duties in which he was tied up at other places, we got another good Missourian. And say, Bob, he did a swell job of it. It was rather an interesting coincidence, because next year we play T.C.U. at Fort Worth, and in '43 we play T.C.U. here. Since J. Willard is the publicity man he always travels with the team. He made a host of be looking for him back to visit us in 1943. i E é s. : to the ball game because he was going to some defense meeting. You Missourians are really on the job, but I believe that goes