ERNEST NELSON, Director CARL HAMMER, Clerk MBS. C. E. NELSON, Treasurer Srandia Public Schools WILLIAM E. HODGES, Superintendent Scandia, Kansas Oct. 2, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: In my school I have a boy who had infantile paralysis a few years ago and as a result, he has one limb which is smaller than the other and about one-half inch shorter. He wants to participate in the gym classes and try and strengthen his weak limb. I told him I thought you might be able +648 where he could secure a basket ball shoe which would help relieve his difficulty. He is a brilliant boy, is anxious to progress and wants to help him- self. Any information concerning such a shoe, its cost, etc. will be much appreciated. Bette. lily 4 William E. Hodges b