Mr. Vance Hall, 1425 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Vance: I was glad to have your good letter written in such a splendid spirit. You can always know that I count you one of those one hundred per centers. My earnest hope is to have you one of the outstanding athletes and one of the out- standing students in general when you leave the University. You may count on my full cooperation in seeing you through. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Oct. 2, 1941 Yr. Lacey Haynes : Bureau of the Kansas City Ster Kansas City, Kanses Dear Lacey, I am sorry that I didn't get to see you on my way back from Liberty, Moe, but it was so bloomin late that I didn't want to bother you at that unseemly hour. i First, I want to gratefully thank you for your extreme kindness in all you did for dane. You were wonderful, and the family greatly appreciates those manified kindnesses. I*'.1 come in to see you at the first opportunity I have. I teach classes every morning and my basketball is starting in the afternoons so I'm going to call you if ever I can come up So thet you'll be free and can give me the hous that you want. | a With all the bother that you've been put to regarding the boys in Kansas City, Kansas that you have so kindly steered in our direction, I hesitate to even mention any more. Itve been interested in a young chap who is not a basketball player, but who played football here. He and his brother are scholars, gentlemen, and good football players. I refer to Chester Gibbons who graduated ‘last year and who was a little place kicker after touchdowns on the Varsity team. I wrote KeS. (Boots) Adams, president of the Phillips Petroleum Ce. on July 31 as follows--"There is a young man at the University of Kansas named Chester Gibbons, who has played three years of wonderful football. Not only did he win three letters in varsity football, but he earned sixty per cent of his college expenses while here. He made excellent grades and he is exceptionally fine in his business and economics courses.” "He wrote the Phillips Petroleum Company sone time ago and applied for employment in either the sales or advertising department. He has been here this summer completing his last hours toward his graduation which will take place August 6th." "Tt dislike to bother you with this, but Gibbons has been such a fine student and athlete that I would see your firm get & man who would give you 100% of his loyalty and efficiency." On August 6 I received the enclosed letter from Boots. Last week Chester Gibbons came in the office and wanted to know if I could help him in any way to get a position that might be in line for him in the Kansas City firm. Now I haven't anything but the greatest admiration for this boy and I'd like to iad if I could. I'm wondering if you know Leo Barry or if you don't know him, would it be possible to give Mr. Mitchel a ring and see if it would be possible to help Chester in any way. | Now, Lacey, please do not feel that you are eee to do this. I don't want to impose oa you and don't want you to go out of your way. Even in a two weeks period if you happen to find time you could look into this I would appreciate it. Then, if you don't have a good lineup with.these fellows please forego it. I feel guilty bothering you, but I' very fond of this genuine little scrapper on the football field and fine student in the classroom who has no fiends to boost him that I want to help hin. , _ si to Mrs. Haynes and Mary Jane. Appreciatively yours, x | Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg - Varsity Basketball Coach October 18, 1941 Kansas City, Kansas Dear Mrs. Haynes, I wish to extend my very humble apologies for encroaching upon your time to the extent that I did this past week. I am the only guy that can come for a visit and stay all day and part of the next morning. That's the limit for any galoot. But 1 know that I did enjoy myself so in visiting with you people that it was difficult for me to tear myself away, I'm so fond of people that can speak the English language without any puteon, A man . like your husband who does big things but who is not impressed -with his greatness is a fellow after my own heart. It was ey goad te ase you set Eee ay Friday morning I sew Lacey, Jr. at the pep rally and he telé me | that he had called up his home and had had a nice visit with you. He had learned that I was the longest distanced visitor that the Haynes* had had for quite some time. He's doing splendidly here at the University. te's enjoying himself as well as sticking at the job and doing good work. I can see him maturing very oo He has a cood social eguilibriun, I will pay you people a call the next time I am winltig through town, but I promise to leave the same day that I come. With all good wishes I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg a Varsity Basketball Coach . i | a \ Dear Lacey, | Thenks old fellow for very prompt response as of October 10. I have definitely on my list that IT am to coms down and see you regarding that deleyed examination and treatment that I weg going to give youe £ feel pretty sheepish regarding the fact thet I have failed to fulfil my promise, but I swear, I just can’t get away from this desk. : | This morning I was going to Lincoln te see the Eansas-lebraska game, tat called it off under pressures of businesse But I am going te do it this week or tet You'll get a call from me the first part of next week. Sineersiy, Director of Physice1 Education and Recreation . FcA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 7 SUBSCRIBERS October 10, 191 Dear Phog: I have met Mr. Leo Barry, but have no real personal contact with him. His predecessor Webster who was here, like Jeff Mitchell, was very friendly; but I will see what I can do to help Gibbons. Don't worry about me feeling I have any obligation to do that, and I don't know how much good I can do; but it will be a pleasure to try. When you recommend a boy I know you feel he is the type that will try to make good; and that he has something to hime I will let you know what I hear. With affectionate regards to all the Allens, I am Sincerely, Pee, +e. THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600.000 aaa ane aemeae SUBSCRIBERS October 1h, 191 Dear Phog: I can realize how busy you are getting ready to get the boys started out, and with all yourother work. Now, I don't want you to crowd yourself; I might have to come back and treat yous’ As you know, It will tickle me to death to see you any time you can make that trip down, but be sure you are in shape yourself to do it, and that it doesn't interfere too much with your necessary work. With kindest regards and best wishes, Sincerely, Vs January 24, 1042. Mr. Gerald Hoag, The Nisley Company, 1116 Leke St., . Oak Park, Illinois. Dear Gerald: Yes, indeed, I remember you very well, and it was ®& pleasure to hear from you. I wrote to Don the other day, end I had a nice visit with him last year when we played the University of Wichita there. I hope to have another good visit with him when we play in Wichita on oa i February 2nd. I em very fond of him, end that go YOu, t00¢9. | = : I hope to see you when we are in Chicago. The Chicago alumi are plaming a meoting for Friday evening, January 30th, at the Swedish Club, and I shall look for you there. The team will be there, also. With kindest regards, I em Very sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FPCA:AH : Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. oes ay z Kansas Alumni =m In Chicago to Hear ‘Phog’ Allen Dr. Worrest: C:° CPhog”) Allen, head basketball coach at the University of Kansas, will be the principal speaker at the annual dinner meeting of the Chicago alumni of the university Jan. 30. The meeting will be held at Sweden House, 157 East Ohio street. Allen’s cagers. will meet De Paul at the Chicago Sta- dium on the following. eve- ning. More than 250 alumni are expected to attend the annual meeting, which will be held in tribute to the late Dr. - James A. Naismith, inventor of basketball, who was pro- fessor of physical education at the University of Kansas from 1906 until his death in 1939. 1116 Lake Street Oak Park, Illinois September 9, 1941. Mr. Sidney A. Henmon, Jre, Superintendent, Page City Consolidated Schools, Page City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Hemmon: I have no films that we could loan you, with the exception ee ee es ee ee Extension Division. The price for the rental is $2.00 plus transportation. I regred that I do not have some that I might loan yous | : Yes, I do remember you and I am sorry that I can not be of service in this instance. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. BOARD OF EDUCATION sna SAPO, Ch Page City Consolidated Schools Jiage City, Kansas HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY ETHELYN| L. DIMMIT HILMA E. PETERSON MYRTLE. LARSON GRADE SCHOOL FACULTY GRACE ERION ELEANOR MAY EDWARDS Sept. 5, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Head Basketball Coach, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansaa. Dear Mr. Allen: I am wondering if you have any interesting basket- ball films that, you would loan to me. I happened to be un- lucky enough to,chosen Chairman of the Athletic Roundtable of the Northwest Kansas Educational Conference to be held in Colby on October 11, 1941, and am therefdre anxious to ar- range a program that will be interesting to all who attend. If you have any films that would be of interest to the coaches in Western Kansas I would appreciate it very much if you would get in touch witheme. I would be willing to pay the postage, but could hardly pay a high rental charge as all the expense money comes from my own pocket. I do not know if you remember me or not, but I have been introduced to you several times by Don Ebling, when he was in school. He and 1 were teammates in high school and he invited me up on numerous occasions to see the Jayhawkers play. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain, Yours sincerely, A lowmon. Sidney/ A. Henmon SAH: fk Sept. 19, 19412 Mr. Carl B. Hoy Pa Athletic Director peo) University of South Dakota Hi | Yermillion, South Dakota /, Dear Carl, BN ‘a Thank you for writing me about Rebert Siddons. He is a nephew of >. x our Prof. Boughton whe has spoken to me about Roberte i LN 4 © have met young Siddons end I think he is » fine felle es expect him to be a fine student end a fine athlete er ; at the University. (NX With kindest regards I am ae op Sincerely yours, — ee | Director of Physical Education send Recreation Fca/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach \ UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION VERMILLION, SQUTH DAKOTA CARL B. HOY DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS September 16, 1941 Mr. "Fog" Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Fog": I am writing you this morning concerning & boy by the name of Robert Siddons who is enrolling this year at the University of Kansas for two reasons: first, courses in engineering which we do not have, and second, because of family con- nections. I want to recommend him to you as one of the outstanding high school basketball players in the state, I never had @ chance to see him perform, but from @11 reports he is above average in al1l~around ability and will make a high class student at any institution. Anything that you may be able to do for him will certainly be appreciated as I consider him @ very fine friend and also his family. I 4am sure that when you get to know him you will like him. Best of luck for the coming season, and kindest personal regards, Very truly yours, Ah VS 2 Carl B. Hoy CBH: dw Athletic Director AY A \ ies | Dr. H. Be Rogeboom in 214 W. Sixth fi Topeka, Kansas Dear Dr. Hogeboom, This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 25rd instant | enclosing a check for $3.30. ie ek I am turning over your check and request for tickets to Mr. Earl i Palkenstien, Financial Secretary of the Athletic Associations / |. I am sure that he will take care of your order for tickets very promptly o Sincerely yours, : | Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation FoA/pg — Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Sept. 27, 1941 Mir. Prank Harwi, Jre ° Design Department State Highway Commission Topeka, Kansas Dear Frank, I am happy to have your letter of the 24th instant, and I wish to congratulate you upon the fact that you have taken a blushing bride to your bosom. May you and Mre. Hawwi have a long life of health and happiness. I an happy to learn that you and Mrs. Harwi and two loyal Jayhawker fans want to como to our vasketball games. I have turned in your letter to Mr. Earl Palkenstien, the financial secretary of the Athletic Association. The tickets will not be ready much before Dec. 1 and Earl has promised me that he will write you regarding the prices which have not been determined as yet. They will either be $5.00 or $5.50 for eight games. I am sending you a schedule for the season « ¥ trust that when you are in Lawrence that you will bring Mrs. Harwi by so that we may have the pleasure of meeting her. You may count on it that if or when I am in Topeka and have a moment I will stop in at the Design Department of the State Highway Department and say “hello”. With’ all good wishes I am Sincerely, eS ? Director of Physical Education and Recreation © FCA/pg : Varsity Basketball Coach STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS September 24, 1941 Dre Fe Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allens Each-year just about this time, I must, of necessity, make a nusiance of myself. However, I will try and keep it to an absolute minimum Like many other loyal, Jayhawk basketball fans, I am already looking forward eagerly to the coming basketball campaign , and by this time being a veteran of many seasons, I naturally want to be right in the middle of what appears to be a Kansas yeare It looks from here like -another great Jayhawk teams < ; If season tickets are on sale at this time, I would appreciate know- ing the cost per ticket and the possibility of reserving four in the center section within the first several rows. I am inquiring for my- self and Mrs. Harwi and two friends. As you may already know I turned " Benedict “ to the ranks of the ‘single men early this summer, so that now it's-a double, 100% cheering | ‘section. Mrs. Harwi is as rabid on Kansas basketball as I ame Whenever you have time to drop me a line I will appreciate it, advising me the cost per season ticket, the very best location available, and the possibility of having the tickets put away for me until I can remit the full amount. I would also like to have a schedule of the games. I hope to be in Lawrence soon, and certainly would like for you to meet Mrs. Harwi--perheps we will see you. However, if you are in Topeka with a few spare moments drop in and see us. Incidentally, my office address has changed. I am now located in the Design Department, State Highway Commission. Meny thanks for the courtesies you have extended me in the past, and for the information I have requested in this letter. Yours very truly \ Q| Y / eS \ fs f i. u, / Frank Harwi Jre OREGON STATE COLLEGE CORVALLIS, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN September 27, 1941 Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: As a preliminary part of a study te analyze graduate work in physi- cal education in all teachers’ colleges, colleges, and universities of the United States, I would greatly appreciate your valuable assistance in help- ing me determine a complete list of all such institutions in your state. This list should include all schools that offer a graduate major in physi- cal education leading to a master's or doctor's degree. This request is being sent to all state directors of physical edu- cation and, in states with no director, to the head of the department of physicel education in one college, teachers’ college, or university that has a graduate program. (1) Will you please check over the enclosed list of higher insti- tations for your state that offer a graduate physical education major and the degrees they confer, (2) Will you add all other institutions that I have omitted and cross off those you think do not offer such work. If the enclosed sheet has no institutions represented for your state, it means I have been unable to locate any school offering such work, The compilation of such a list will be valuable for two reasons: first, there is need for a list of graduate schools of physical education; and second, it will enable the writer to complete an analyzation of gradu- ate practices and offerings in all such institutions of the United States. If you desire a summary of this report, indicate the same on the enclosed sheet and it will be sent you gladly upon completion of this study. Please return this material in the enclosed stamped envelope as soon as possible. Your assistance in this matter will be greatly apprec- iated, Sincerely yours, oO al G band —* Jack E. Hewitt JEH: jb Associate rrofessor of Physical Education encs Me ANRC NEN aie ‘ Oct. 2, 1941 829 National lank of Tulsa, Bldg. Tulsa, Okla. : Dear Harry, I heave called some very good friends of mine in Theta, Kappa, and Pi Phi with the desire to help Mariem Calder get better acquainted with these groups. : ‘ Betty Jean Hess is a very good friend of my daughter, Eleanor, who is a Kappay Bleanor is at the University of Pennsylvania with my son, Bob, who is a student in the School of Medicine and is of course, not in a position to help Marian. My son Uilton's wife is a Pi Phi. Wilton is taking his law degree this year after having completed his School of Business work in 1936. They are living in Lawrence, so I have asked Isabel to help. Jean Werner, daughter of Dean Werner, adtisor of men, has been asked to further Mariem'ts interests in the Thete house. I want you to know, Harry, that if there's any way that I can help these young people to be more happy it's always a pleasure and in the case of Mariam it's a double duty and double pleasure because of you and the parents of Marian as well as Nariem herself. If at any time I can help you please feel perfectly free to call upon me. With ali good wishes I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreati PCA/pe Varsity Basketball Coach : INCORPORATED !860 Home Life Insurance Company of New York BRYAN L. BOWERS, MANAGER - S560 FIRST NATIQNAL BUILDING OKLAHOMA GITY, OKLA. HARRY L. HEINZMAN BRANCH MANAGER 629 NATIONAL BANK OF TULSA BLDG. TULSA, OKLAHOMA september HD, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical lducation Lawrence, Kansas Dear Friend Phog: Thanks for your fine letter of September 29. I am taking the liberty of passing it on to Mr. and Mrs. Calder, Mariam's mother and father. Mariam had such a fine time at the party you spoke of and appreciated so much what you did that she phoned her mother about it, one Mrs. Calder in turn phoned Mrs. Heinzman. Some day you will have a chance to meet these fine people, Phog, and then I know you will be repaid for the splendid thing that you are doing. \ihen I see Chancellor Molott I am going to make it a point of telling on you. Very sincerely, rry L.. Heinzman Branch Manager Hive Mire Harry Le Heingman, 829 National Bank of Tulea Bldgs, Tulea, Oklahom. Dear Harrys Although I have not answered your letter I did act upon it immediately. letter arrived there » de In my own fraternity, my boys were being rushed, I gave them a free hand to make their selection. And in my relationship with the fraternity as en alumnus I have never tried to suggest available mterial for these chapse They take themselves pretty seriously and they rather resent any interference by the oldsters. | But you can count on my full cooperation in trying to make this young lady as happy as she oan be here at the Unive ersitye I would do this on account of you and res Heineman, and e@lso on account of Mr. and Mrs. Calder. . With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. INCORPORATED 1860 Home Life Insurance Company of New York | | BRYAN L. BOWERS, MANAGER - S860 FIRST NATIGQNAL BUILDING OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. HARRY L. HEINZMAN BRANCH MANAGER 6.29 NATIONAL BANK OF TULSA BLDG. TULSA, OKLAHOMA September 18, 1941 Dr. Forest C. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Friend Phog: I have written you about everything under the sun except girls, and so to make sure the record is complete, that's what I am doing now. Of course, you understand that I know the man who runs a department in the University and coaches the Varsity team has plenty of time to wet nurse all the freshman that might decide to go to the University of Kansas and understanding this full well, here is the story. Mariam Calder, 1215 Oreal Avenue, has entered the University of Kansas as a freshman. Not having a daughter and she being the daughter of aur best friends and knowing her even before she arrived, we couldn't think more of her if she were our own flesh and blood. Her father was a Crewman at Cornell, a fraternity man, captain in the artillery in the last war, is now one of the executives of the Mid-Continent Refinery. Her mother was one of the outstanding students at Vassgr. She has family back of her to who laid the chalk. She went to Holland Hall, a girls school here, and then four years at Abbotts academy a girls school at andover, Massachusetts. She is attractive, healthy, red-headed and is everything that a girl should . be but she doesn't have the right contacts to get a bid from one of the three sorieties that she thought were tops at K.U. She was invited by four but they did not appeal to her as much as the others and the child is very much disappointed. I think the real disappointment is that she never has been situated where she could have boy friends and she has gotten the impression that unless you belong to the right group at the University, you haven't any chance at social life. ie aR iia eet cane ae: She may or may not be right, I am sort of old fashion and feel that a lot of barnacles have attached themselves to our so-called educational system and that there are things in Universities quite as big as the social life, but my thinking doesn't help a girl entering the University as a freshman, very much. Now this is what 1 have in mind, Phog, you might happen to meet this girl or you might be talking with some of your own fraternity men and could tip off the freshman where they could meet a classy date with the kind of girl you would be proud to have as a daughter. She isn't a necker, but she is a good sport and a thorbred. She made an athletic letter at Abbotts and just a youngster that anybody can be proud of. Of course, you haven't time to put yourself out any and you are not in a position to do it, but if by accident your paths should cross, this is a good-sized read-headed, keen youngster from Tulsa, and I think as much of her as I would my own daughter. Sincerely yours, Harry Le Heingman HLH/vv