STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS September 24, 1941 Dre Fe Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allens Each-year just about this time, I must, of necessity, make a nusiance of myself. However, I will try and keep it to an absolute minimum Like many other loyal, Jayhawk basketball fans, I am already looking forward eagerly to the coming basketball campaign , and by this time being a veteran of many seasons, I naturally want to be right in the middle of what appears to be a Kansas yeare It looks from here like -another great Jayhawk teams < ; If season tickets are on sale at this time, I would appreciate know- ing the cost per ticket and the possibility of reserving four in the center section within the first several rows. I am inquiring for my- self and Mrs. Harwi and two friends. As you may already know I turned " Benedict “ to the ranks of the ‘single men early this summer, so that now it's-a double, 100% cheering | ‘section. Mrs. Harwi is as rabid on Kansas basketball as I ame Whenever you have time to drop me a line I will appreciate it, advising me the cost per season ticket, the very best location available, and the possibility of having the tickets put away for me until I can remit the full amount. I would also like to have a schedule of the games. I hope to be in Lawrence soon, and certainly would like for you to meet Mrs. Harwi--perheps we will see you. However, if you are in Topeka with a few spare moments drop in and see us. Incidentally, my office address has changed. I am now located in the Design Department, State Highway Commission. Meny thanks for the courtesies you have extended me in the past, and for the information I have requested in this letter. Yours very truly \ Q| Y / eS \ fs f i. u, / Frank Harwi Jre