INCORPORATED !860 Home Life Insurance Company of New York BRYAN L. BOWERS, MANAGER - S560 FIRST NATIQNAL BUILDING OKLAHOMA GITY, OKLA. HARRY L. HEINZMAN BRANCH MANAGER 629 NATIONAL BANK OF TULSA BLDG. TULSA, OKLAHOMA september HD, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical lducation Lawrence, Kansas Dear Friend Phog: Thanks for your fine letter of September 29. I am taking the liberty of passing it on to Mr. and Mrs. Calder, Mariam's mother and father. Mariam had such a fine time at the party you spoke of and appreciated so much what you did that she phoned her mother about it, one Mrs. Calder in turn phoned Mrs. Heinzman. Some day you will have a chance to meet these fine people, Phog, and then I know you will be repaid for the splendid thing that you are doing. \ihen I see Chancellor Molott I am going to make it a point of telling on you. Very sincerely, rry L.. Heinzman Branch Manager Hive