February 4, 1941 lie Bryan Re Horner HornereMoyer, Ince 3005 Harrison Kansas City, Missouri Dear Bryans Thank you for your good letter of Decenber 27 which came during my absence in New Yorke Yes, I have been speaking at a mumber of places the past few years but naturally I am not ine position that permits me to make financial demands for my talks wmiess they are out of the State of Kansas. You might write and see what could be done, I do appear & great mmber of times on the platform and if you feel the field is lucrative at this time I would be gled to have you attempt a finding oute Milton is in the Law School and he needs one more year to gradwumtee He got a leave of absence from the Standard Oil at Russell and he thinks that he has a fine futures Tom Ven Cleave drives down often and they are still very great friendsse Thank you for the circular and the letter. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAslg HORNER-MOYER, Ine. * Meianees City 35th Year Washington CONCERT AND LECTURE MANAGEMENT CharlesF.Horner,Pres. L.E.Moyer,Vice-Pres. | BryanR.Horner,Sec.-Treas 3005 HARRISON °* KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI December 27, 1940 Dre Forest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kynsas Dear Dre Allen: - I don't know if you have been doing any lecturing since the last time our office secured some engagements for youe I believe there might be some interest again before tien's groups and before some of the colleges. Would you like to let me have your reaction to the suggestion? It wouldn't be a lot of trouble for either of us if we would see what could be done. I haven't seen Mit for some time. As a matter of fact, I guess the last time was when he was over at my house a year ago Christmas Evee Seems to me Tom Van Cleve told me he was at Law School. Thought you might be interested in one of the circulars which was gotten out ten or twelve years ago. Sincerely yours, fap rr Bryan Re Horner ye 2 5~! eS r. Forest C. (Phog of Kansas University | His Great Lecture ay of the G len ame «America’s Foremost ‘Basketball Coach 99 WD) 9) ye ¢ | Dr. Forest C. (Phog) Allen aR. FOREST C. (PHoc) ALLEN is America’s foremost basketball pga coach. He is the “Knut Rockne” of the game. He is president of Nae the National Association of Basketball Coaches. His book, “My awk || Basketball Bible,” has reached the seventh edition and is considered “the” authority on basketball coaching. He has written for many magazines and his daily articles “Baskets and Backboards” appear in all Associated Press newspapers. The “Phog” Allen Basketball, the “Phog” Allen Basketball Shoe, the Allen-Lowe-Campbell basketball goal, and the Allen-Ransdell Score Book are all his own inventions. Before coaching, Dr. Allen was well known as an athlete, playing on the University of Kansas teams, and as a member and manager of the 1905 Kansas City Atheltic Club team. This was the K. C. A. C. team that won the championship of the world. Dr. Allen is best known as a coach. He started coaching at the Uni- versity of Kansas and Haskell Institute. Central Missouri State Teachers’ Col- lege at Warrensburg claimed him as Director of Athletics until 1920 when he accepted that office at his Alma Mater. For six consecutive years his teams swept through to the title for the Missouri Valley Championship. He is not only a builder of great teams but a builder of great players. Tustan Ackerman, Alfred Peterson, John Wulf, Paul Endicott, Charles Black, basket- ball coach at the University of Nebraska, Arthur Lonborg, basketball coach at Iowa State College, are a few of the brilliant basketball stars of his making. “Phog” Allen is in constant demand during the summer for the coaching schools held throughout the country. He is a forceful speaker with a winning personality. One man, after hearing him talk, declared, “He appeals to all that is clean and fine in a man, but still he’s all man.” His lectures will be animated with interesting stories from games, carrying the inspiration of his twenty years’ experience with young men and women. Not only boys and girls, but all interested in boys and girls will enjoy hearing and knowing “Phog” Allen of Kansas. His lectures are: The Way of the Game. The Need to Dream and to Play. The Plan of Sports and Games in American Life. Life’s Great Challenge. tes NO) December 28, 1940 Mre Bryan Re Horner Secretary-Treasurer Hornerelioyer, Inte $005 Harrison Kansas City, Missouri Dear Mre Horners - Your letter of December 27 regarding the possibility of Irs Allen making lecture engagements has been received, Dre Allen is out of town at the present — time with the Varsity Sasketball Team; they are playing in Madison Square Garden, Philadelphia and Chicagoe Your letter will be brought to his attention as soon as he returnse Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Forrest Ce Allen February 7, 1941 Mre John 3. Heffelfinger Superintendent Newton City Schools Dear Supte Heffelfinger; Imes delighted to have your letter of the sixth instant end happy to mow that you and I beth have hich confidence in Herbert Hertmn. Me is e splendid boy end a fine student and hs is @ererving of our very cereful essistancee I assure you he will have every cooperation from me in Jandine a fine vosition if it is within our powers With all good wishes, I em, Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Rducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | PCAsig NEWTON CITY SCHOOLS NEWTON. KANSAS JOHN B. HEFFELFINGER SUPERINTENDENT February 6, 1947 Mr.°Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Alien: We happened to see this week a semester report card that was sent to one of our former students, Herbert Hartman, who I understand, as a senior, is now completing his major in physical education. AS superintendent of the school from whicn Herbert was graduated, we want to express our appreciation to your department in taking an interest in the boy. It is Sum and substance to us that Herbert made an "A" under your instruction. We have full confidence in this young man and his integrity as a possible teacher. We shall be glad to answer fully any inquiry you may have regarding his high school background. He deserves a good position and if we can assist you in any way in help- ing him secure this by giving adequate data of nis high school course and later as we know him, we shall be glad to furnish it. . Sincerely, . HEFFELFINGER February 12, 1941 Mr. Lacy Haynes ° Ocean Spray Hotel Collins Avemue at 42nd Street Miami Beach, Florida Dear Lacy: . It is always swell of you to write me and I want you to know what a buzz I get out of your fine letters, Gosh, Lacy, we wish you could have been here Monday night to watch that little bunch of Kansas thorougch- breds fight those big corny cornhuskers, The Nebraska team resorted to meker tactics; the first time I have seen ea Nebraska team stoop that low, the cheapest talk on Bob and Engleman, trying to get goat, but it did not work, The only thing we missed was your and Mrs, Haynes’ presence, We will certainly be gled to see you back. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAslge February 26, 1941 foen: Caibehtns, Wcerar. 40 phacced os the Harvey House for our breakfast and while there talked with Mre Lele Denniss He stated that you had taken pictures of the Kansas-Southern California game last year and he told me how much he enjoyed I know that it is against your policy to loan films, but I was wondering, since the University hes projectors and experts handling them, if you would be kind enough to let us show the boys the filme The boys who played in that game would be especially happy to see the pictures. If it is not too much trouble T weld be glad to hear from you regarding the loaning of these filmse Please feel entirely free to refuse our request because if I were in your place I doubt if I would let them out at alle Thanking you for your consideration, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bdveation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Asie February 26, 1941 Mr. Richard Herp — 1801 *est Campus — Lawrence, Kensas Dear esa I have just recoived @-letter from Mrse Hazel Pratt — vood, Alton, Illinois, stating that Wre and Mrse Wood, Cecelia, and Walter, Jre, are coming to — on Saturday, “erch 7, to see the Oklahoma games Doubtless you may not remember the exploits of “alter Vood, who was a steller quarterback and a marvelous basebell Pleyer on the Jayhawk team ‘wey back in the early teense Yell, Valter has a son who is coming to the University to look tre campus over and I understand that he, like his father, is pretty sweet on Se Ae Pe _ J do not kmow whether you have been informed of the Yoods* coming, but I wanted you to mow it, and I am sure your Se Ae Ee brothers will want to give the youngster 2a good rushe Walter Wood wes the boy that brought Charles Fleck from Alton to. the campus and pledged him Se Ae Eo lIverybody, of course, remembers Gherles Bleck, so I em doing my, deed early so that you can spread the news to your brothers if Mey heve not elready hed the information. Sincerely yours, FCA: lgimin Director of Physical Fducetion and Tecresation Varsity Basketball Coach Februery 27 : 1941 iére CLIff Higby - Skyline Ranch ‘ilson, Wyoming Deer Ure Higby: Pardon my teglect in not answering your communication of the 7th instant soonere Yes, I remember you very well, and I assure you that I would be interested if we could be of epetereen® benefit to both ni US s I saw Mr» Harry Gowns the other day anh: we hed quite 8 talk about you and your proposition, and he is of the opinion that you end { should hit it ws splendidly togethers I trust that it will be possible for we three to get togetherseyou, Mre Downs, ard Ie Mr. Downs promised to stop by the office sometime soon end if I talk with him agein I will write to you or yourertte to me, whichever seems the more expediente | With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, FCAzlg:aln Director of Physical Kducation and Recreation | Varsity besketbail Cosch — Meese, Wyoming WILSON, Feb. 7, 1941 Dre Allen Dept. of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Mr. Harry Downs has mentioned a time or two that he had talked with you about a possible interest in my program for boys out here in Jackson Hole. Each time he has mentioned it I have had a strong impulse to write directly to you, for I believe we understand the same language. I remember hearing an address of yours at a Kiwanis Club luncheon in Lawrence. . It clicked so with my own philosophy of building men out of boys that I wrote you a note of appreciation. There are two supreme places where a boy can come up against a superb self he never kmew existed ---- and perhaps make it a part of his normal self ---; one is the athletic field and the other is with nature in the raw. You have built your life into boys thru one medium and I thru the other. Perhaps we could combine forces to the advantage of all concerned, including the boys. Sincerely yours CSH/e. () Mr. J. Pred Harris, Supervisor NeYehe Boys’ Dormitory New England Building Topeka, Kansas Dear Fred: : I am m@iling under separate cover, the book that I promised the boys of your NeYeA. Dormitory. This book, "Better Resketbell", has in the back, “Tales of the Yesteryears". It has stories of many games that avparently were lost but were pulled out of the fire by some unusual cireumstance. I trust that the boys will get some pleasure from reading these stories as well as studying the fundamental game of basketball. — However, the thing that caused me to think of this book for then was the poem, “Casey's Revenge", written by Grantland Rices it is a sequel to “Casey at the Bat", when he struck out at Mudville. It was @ pleasure to be with the boys last ‘iesday evening and I trust that I may have the plegeare. of getting with them again sometime. | Sincerely yours, a With all my wishes, I am, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Raseball Coach April 25, 1941 Mire Je Fred Harris Supervisor WeYehe Boys* Dormi New England Building Topela, Kansas. Dear Fred: Thank you for your good letter of April 21 regarding “Open House" for your boys on April 29. I shall be very glad to come and talk to your groupe ? - You state in your letter that the time is set at 53506 I wee under the impression that the program would be in the eveninge Ise this a dimer date, cr am I to eat and talk afterwards? I would appreciate it if you let me know the schedules Also, what time will the program be finished? I have basketball practice on Tuesday night and should like to get back as soon as I cane Since the State does not allow for my traveling . expenses, I would appreciate it if you would drive mee I will look for you on Tuesdays : If you do not have time to write a letter, I would suggest that you call my secretary end give her the information I seeks : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCAsig Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach PeSe It was necessary for Dre Allen to leave on a baseball trip before this letter was written. He asked that I sign the seme and forward it to youe Secretary to Dre Allen FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION FOR KANSAS NEW ENGLAND BUILDING, TOPEKA, KANSAS April 21, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Since we have had our "Open House" and have settled down to our regular schedule, I would like very much for you to pay us a social call and talk to the boys on any subject you want to choose on April 29 at 5:30 as pre arranged. To give you some idea for a topic I will try to explain our set up. The boys are chosen upon the results of Mechanical Apptitude tests from all over the State of Kansas. It is not a charitable thing at all. When they arrive they are assigned to one of several shop courses such as Sheet Metal, Machine Shop, Welding, Woodwork, Radio, Photography, Architectural Planning and Airport Management, Cooking and Office work, At the present we have 145 boys in residence. Several were high school athletic stars and some have played on college teams. They are a high class bunch picked at random. Without a doubt we have the best resident project in the State of Kansas. Most of the Youths are athletically inclined and some are rabid. I'm sure any stories you have to tell that you have accumulated in your long coaching career would be very interest~ ing to them. The length of the speech does not matter. You can choose the length. If the date and time are not satisfactory would you inform me by return mail. If I do not hear from you I will expect you on that date. ours very truly, Fa a Aes (7 ap Fred Harris, Supervisor April 22, 1941 Mire Je Fred Harris, Supervisor NeYeAs Boys Dormitory New England Building Topeka, Kansas Dear Mrs Harriss Your letter of April 21 regarding “Open House" for your boys on April 29 at 5:30 has been receiveds Te Allen is out of town at the time, but your letter will be brought to his immediate attention @s soon as he returnse Sincerely yours, Secretary to Me Forrest Ce Allen Poetor Rebert A. Tunt lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Hunts _ I @m sending you earbon copy of letters that I have written to Doetor Nelson, Salina Clinic, and Mr. Zar] Woodward, & newspaper man, who formerly pdayed on ay eee team here in Kansas beck in 1908 and 1909. ; 3 ‘I was going to write to Carl &. Beyer, an attorney at jaw, and to B. Be iackey, but i do not know those two gentlemen as well as the two I have written. You will find these two fellows "“tope". I wish for you and yours @11 the pleasures and success that can come to 6 very deserving minister and his wife. It has been a 3 genuine pleasure, Doctor Hunt, to know you and to work with you, and if Se ee ree ern | ee Oh te S88 vee Dee one ee happiness, please feei perfectly free to call upen me» With all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Sducetion and Reereation | Varsity Basketball and FHaseball Coach. POAtre | May ist, 1942 Dre Lawrence “Nelson Nelson Clinic Salina, Taneas Dear Dre "Phat", | The pastor of our Methodist Church here, Kovert A. Hunt, has been transferred to the Methodist Shurch at Salim, “ansase Dore Funt is @ most athletic enthusiast and a lever of young people. Be hae @ very aggrecsive and bouyant personality. He has always been a leader in elivie and cammmity affairs and I an very anxious that you should Imew him and introduce him to sone of your good friends. i will appreciate this as q personal favor. I asked hir te call on you et your office at some time after he arrivee in Saline Mth 11 good wishes to you and yourself, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bdueation and Reercation Varsity “asketball and Sasetall Coach. : PCArre May let, 1943 ; i | f \ _ Bwerythme I get near Gelins, or go | it, I think of + and Dootor Nelson, but up te proeent ty schedule has been such that I c6.ic not make the proper couneetions. hogtor Hunt's con, Bobbie ‘unt, played on my Varsity Taskettall . tear several years ago. Loctor Zunt's children are all either serried er out making their oom living now, an® be and Mree Hunt will be a very definite contribution to your fine civie. z will appreciate your cooperation in helping Peverend tumt meet the godd friends of ‘elinge | With @21 good wishes, i an, | ee : fAreotor of Physical Edueation and Recreation FCAsre Varsity Yasietveil and faseisl) Coach February 4, 1941 Editor Hutchinson Herald Hutchinson, Kansas Dear Editor: Mite Ralph Miller came in to my office with a sports comment written in your paper by your Alvin Dummire, sports editor. It stated that he had confidential information that Ralph Miller and Howard Engleman — had had great difficulty last year and that each hated the other, ete : Such is not the case, but I believe that if Mre Dwmire has such infore mation it would be better to print 1% than to infer that such conditions exist in his minds Ralph Miller is very whappy about the situatione He has talked to Howard Engleman about ite Both boys are good friends at the present and since I coached the team last year I am very certain that each did not hate the other, Do you not agree with me that if such gossip appeared in the society colwm as appeared in your sports column that it would only breed i11 will and discontent? : ; _ I would appreciate it if you will let me lmow what you think about it as well as what informtion Mr» Dummire based his statements upote These boys are college boys, endeavoring to get an educations They are not professional at letes and the friendships formed in college are ‘wery valuable through all the days of their lives. : John Kline, Marvin Sollenberger and Charles walker are three of your Hutchinson boys who are fine, clean, respectable citizens of your citye Howard Engleman of Arkansas City aud Ralph yiller of Chauute are two other such respectable boys as your Hutchinson boyse For that reason I believe that more constructive writing would be &® benefit to the morale of the yomg men of our country rather than such articles that inspire nothing but mistrust and ill will. Do you agree with me? Sincerely Yours, Director of Physica Fdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | FOAslg ccs Re Miller He Engleman December 10, 1942 a Dear Mr. leLonon, : I have just had a conference with Dr. Allen reletive to your letter of Dec. 6 in which you state that you would be able to furnish us a.mineograph Medel 77865 for the cost of $60.00 plus the Model 90 which is now in your hands for repaire : Pr. Allen is interested in this proposition. Frankly, he is, - not at all happy with the results obtained fram Model 90. Tf also have a feeling that it never was entirely satisfactory. Mre Gustafson explained that the original inking apparatus with Model 90 was not constructed properly and for that reason it was impossible to ink the entire length of the stencil. Dr. Allen feels as though thet wes no fault of ours. He would like to meet with Er. Gustaf- son ané myself sometime next Tuesday morning between 10350 and 11:50 o'clocite Let me repeat, Dr. Allen is interested in the trade for this model ; that you have on hand, but is frankly disappointed in the #90 Model. Very sincerely yours, H. Re Elbel _ 2 Associate Professor of Physical Education ERB/pe University of Kanses The Hall Litho y Sraphing Com: any HE HALL MARK LITHOGRAPHING EMBOSSING PRINTING