November 23, 1940 lire Yebster He Holloway 1511 Fidelity Building Kansas City, Missouri Dear Web: Thank you for your kind invitetion of the 20th inviting me es a guest of the K. Ue. Club's Stag Rally at the University Club. I will be happy to accept the invitation as it is Glweys a pleasure to greet youe The fact that Chancellor Malott and the rest of the cosches will be -in attendance will give an opportunity for the Kansss City alumni to get better acquainted with the coaching steff. We will see thet Bill ie Hargiss gets words *, I did not go to Columbia, but I heard over the radio thet you were one of the Gigniteries thet did the honors for the Universitye I was happy ‘to see the boys come back with a bang in the fourth errs : With all good wishes, I am, § incerely yours, Director of Physical Fducation and Recreation Versity Basketball Coach FCA :1lg:min WEBSTER W. HOLLOWAY I5Il FIDELITY BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI November 20, 1940 Dr. F..C. Allen Head Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phogs A week from tonight, namely, the 27th, we are having a big Stag Rally of the K. U. men at the University Club. We are circularizing by letter some 1500 to 1800 former K. U. men, advising them of this meeting, and our guests will be headlined by Chancellor Malott and the entire coaching staff of football, basketball and track. Doubtless Fred Ellsworth has already gotten this information to you, but I desire to supplement it with a per- sonal invitation, urging that you be present. Chancellor Malott has accepted, and I understand that Gwynn Henry and his assistants will be on hand. All of us want you and Bill Hargiss to make a special point to be here, and I wish you would please telephone Bill or see him, and tell him that we also want him here. We think we will have a crowd of around 200 or 500, and it is our purpose to present all of the coaches and ask them to make a few remarks. Everything will be informal and the speeches will be mostly extemporaneous, with the pos-— sible exception of Dean Malott. I am going to bill you as one who will be present, so don't disappoint me. With usual good wishes, beg to remain Very truly yours, President, K. U. Club of Ka City Deccaber 5, 1940 Lite Chase E. Hassett Btry E 128 Feds Port Jackson Columbia, South Carolina Dear Lt. Hassetis Your letter of November 29 to Dre Allen hag been reccivede Since he is out of town at the present time, Dr. Allen has asked me to reply to your letter. We do not have any mimeographed materiel with respect to basketball pleye used here during the past several yearse However, Dre Allen's new text, Better Basketball dees contain such material, ‘This book is published by the MeGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, and it may be possible that you can procure a copy for your reading room. ? Lows & Campbell and other sporting goods companies also carry the texte 3 Sincerely yours, Seeretary to Dre FoCe Allen QUARTERS Btry E 128 FA MISSOURI NATIONAL GUARD Clinton, Mo. November 29, 1940. Dr. Phog Allen Athletic Director Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog:- This unit of the 128th Field Artillery leaves Clinton next Thursday, December 5, for a years ac- tive duty in South Carolina. The government has a splendid program for com- petitive sports such as basketball, football, hard and soft ball, etc. We will reach there about the time the basketball season will begin, and we have excel- tent material for a fine basketball team. It has occurred to me that you might have some mimeographed material with respect to K. U.'s plays in past years, and which might be of aid to us in developing a winning basketball team. If you have any material which you could make available to us it will be a great favor to us to have the benefit of the same. If so, please send it to the address below. Very truly yours, arles E. Hassett Address:- Lt. Chas. E. Hassett Bory EB ige F.A, Fort Jackson Columbia, S. C. | og a Pred Harris : Supervisor State & Twiss Sts, Topeka, Kansas Dear Freddie: Dre Allen's: secretary, “iss Ger- stenberger, has asked thet I reply to your request for tickets for the Oklahoma game Saturday. She perhaps hes advised that Dr. Allen is out of towm until Priday or Saturday, and rather then keep you I am writing to advise that two tiekete ere being for you. issue tickets other than the one you are entitled to as a "K" man, and I do not believe that Dr. Allen has any tickets other than those he uses for his personal use. I happen to know that Dr. Allen bought tickets for some Conctne end etart are Lindted the game as "K" men and I do not helfeve thet Dr. Allen has any extra tickets. 5o, we will hold these two and, if some other 8 are made between you and Dp. Allen, wo will be glad walnned Shem 45 you Go opt want them, | that work and getting I Ys qi a oe your Very winaeets yours , EebLe Falkonstien, Sec'y U. of Kans. Phys. Bdu, Corp. BLF fl? November 6, 1940 Mre Je Fred Harris, Jr's NeYede Supervisor State and Twiss Street Topeka, Kansas — Dear litre Harriss Your letter of November 5 addressed to Dre Allen has been receivede — Dre Allen is out of town at the present time on speaking engagements in Toledo and Milwaukee, and is not expected to return until the latter part of this weeke For that reason I have turned your request for tickets over to lire Barl Falkenstien, Financial Secretary of the Athletic Department, who - has charge of ticket sales. - [am sure you will hear from Mre Falkenstien very shortly. Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Forrest Ce Alien FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION. FOR KANSAS NEW ENGLAND BUILDING, TOPEKA, kansas 5 SA ae eo Mad 49-4 2 on Se. Ope Ur. Sat Holman, President National Assn. of Basketball Coaches City College New York, New Yoric fear Nats A booklet of the National Association of Basketball Coaches of the United States addressed te Dre James Ne Naiscith has cone to our offices Dr. Janes Ne Naismith passed away on - November 28, 1939. - sctine tees: that you lmew thise Sincerely aie: Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach December 11, 1940 Mire Harold Hauser. Marion, Kansas Dear Dutch: Mr. Earl Falkenstien just dropped in my office and told me that under date of November 12, 1940 he wrote you that he miled you six tickets on October 12 for the Kansas-Kansas State game at Manhattan. He — enclosed a bill for $13.65 ee the cost with en ae neers ‘Mir. Falkenstion states that he hae not heard Sous gis ba Casey Ge Me Gmect U Eo 20tn of Beceren. You will remember, Dutch, that you called me from Marion and asked that I contact Mr. Falkenstien and have him mail you six tickets, You also requested, according to my notes, Mre Falkenstien should send you @ bill. Iam sure that this is just an oversight on ee Ge ee akla ce en e ooorel up with their practice and forget the minor details. These tickets wore obtained from Manhattan and Oi Ms as tnd on have sent them cash to cover the full amomt. I will appreciate it if you will let Ure Falkenstien hear from you at your early conveniences With all good wishes to you for a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig Law Offices HAROLD M. HAUSER Dean Building MARION, KANSAS December 13, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Athletic Department Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: In response to your letter of December llth, please be sdvised that I am sending Earl Falkenstien a check today. I regret that I have overlooked this matter and trust this late payment will not embarrass you. I have been exceedingly busy with politics and the oil business, and consequently have neglected my correspondence. With very best personal regards, I am Very truly yours, HARCLD M. HAUSER | HMH: LB lire Dick Harp 1301 Vest Campus Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dicks I have just had a letter from ur Thompson, Kansas City Star, saying that his Tom wes in school. I have never had the pleasure of meeting him and Mre Thompson asked if I imew hime 3 se I would appreciate it if you would bring Tom te the office sonetime where I cen have & visit with hime Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach . WAslg : | Sineerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reoreati on Varsity Basketball Coach ~ i told her that this certainly ws the business of ‘the Chamber of Commerce, along with the other services that you give. Certainly a University professor who is not in business, _ @nd who makes contributions’ to this organization, should receive 3 The feet that I am @ member and have sought other contributions for other civic purposes, led me to believe that i was in line by asking for such informtione In nost towns and cities they give members service such as thisg : i am registering this protest in purely a good= natured way, but @ critical one, and I trust that our Chamber of Commerce can give the services that other chambers of commerce are giving to their memberse > Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach December 25, 1940 Mire and Mrse lacy Haynes 2300 Washincton Blvd. Nowaas ; Dear Mrs and Mrse Haynes: We certainly appreciate your generosity and thoughte fulness in asking the Allen Tribe to your domicile, but it happens that’ we will be on our way out of Washington, Dele, heading for Chicago, on that daye ee However, we do want you to know how very much we ‘appreciate your thinking of use Wishing you and yours the Happiest Yuletide and & Most Prosperous New Year, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ; | FCAslg ee January 15, 1943 Charles Walker Tear Hutch and Vance; Maurice Jackson desires to take a picture on Friday afternoon at 3330 P.M. im Hoch Auditorium, He wants you two boys in your white Varsity uniforms, together with Dean Nesmith and me. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation , Varsity Basketball Coach FCAglg January 24, 1941 Mite lacy Haynes Kansas City, Kansas Star Bureau Kensas City, Kansas Tear Lacys Gee, it is swell to get a letter from a fellow like you when you say the things you dos I did not know until last evening that you had been quite ille lacy, Jre told me that you had the flu, but I stopped by Morris Breidemthal's the other evening end your socretary toid me that it was a little tougher than thate In fact, I am included to believe it was darn tougher than thate And here you were a very sick man and I did not send any words of encouragement to you, and here I am, feeling a lot better, and you just convalesecing, getting back to your desk for an hour @ day, have time to encourage mee New what sort of teamwork is that? . But I want to assure you, Lacy, that hed I known you were sick I would have had a report on you every daye You are such a guiet and efficient worker that nobody ever expects you to slow up nor get slowed ups Let me tell you how very much your words of eneourace= ment mean to m@e ‘They are worth millionse Give my kindest regards to irs, Haynes and Mary Jane, a. the Haynes familys With deep appreciation, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600.000 j SUBSCRIBERS January 22, 191 Dear Phog: One of the things that hawe been helping me to get out of the house since the bugs caught up with me a little before the first of the year is the fact that the Allen” basket ball team keeps steaming upe No matter how the fever pointed, I always got the report of the score as quickly as it came in here. Keep on going! With kindest regards and best wishes, Sincerely, facy Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas LCH: VS January 27, 1941 Dre Rey Ge Hulburt, Editor Amerioan Osteopathic Association 540 Ne Michigan Aves Dear Dre Hulburt; Thank you for writing me very frankly as you have done in your letter of Janmry 246. : I assure you that I am very happy to be of any service, and I know that you will consider the welfere of all concerned when you write your articles I am enclosing two or three smapshots and if you will kindly return the ones you do not use I will appreciate ite In fact, I would like to have the one . that you do use returned after you have finished with ite he Wer cordially yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation Versity Pasketbell Coach Pearls PUBLISHERS OF R. C. MSECAUGHAN, D.O. e@ THE JOURNAL OF THE Americam ———___ “esectnvesetnerany PON EERE CIN SO Rag Et at ata a lg > pte ae en Ae yea Nie ot a aa i seca ea EN eh aeRO UN ere ARNG Et Ae, hy cts Meenas CSE EAR Be eS eer ee eh aia OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION e e@ e Osteopathic Association *»™ ne THE FORUM OF OSTEOPATHY ROSEMARY MOSER THE OSTEOPATHIC MAGAZINE GENERAL OFFICES — 540 N. MICHIGAN AVE. Bae gateths OSTEOPATHIC HEALTH GC H I CAG oO RAY G. ae D.O. January 24, 1941. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: We have prepared an article for OSTEOPATHIC MAGAZINE on you and your career as basketball coach based on the article by Mr. Howard Turtle which appeared in the Saturday Evening Post. Most of it is t&en up with telling how you keep your players in trim for the game, and for this purpose we have used direct quotations from Mr. Turtle's article. Because it contained so many quotations, we submitted our article to the editors of the Saturday Evening - Post and have obtained their permission to publish it. Full credit is given to the Post and to Mr. Turtle. We are wondering whether you can send us a good informal snapshot of yourself that we can use as an illustration. If you have two or three from which we can make our selection, we would appreciate it. Fraternally a! Hul Editor H:R P. S. I am not unmindful of your general attitude toward mention of your osteopathic connections, but since Mr. Turtle brought it out so clearly I thought it 0. K. to proceed. January 29, 1941 Mre Goorge Hedrick Secretary, Chamber of Commerce Dear Georges : I am enclosing a carbon copy of a lctter from Mre Ges Alcott, 1206 E, Jefferson, Bloom Illinois, and a copy of my roply, regarding a field house in memory of Dre Naismithe We have had other correspondence since, but I am sending you this to show you that the correspondence was initiated by Yr. Alcott, feeling that we should heve a Pield house heres If you are interested I shall be glad to take up the matter with you and send you the remaining correspondences Sincerely yours, Director of Physical rducation and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg EncSe @6¢ Glenn Charlton January 30, 1941 Director of Physical rdueation and Reeresation Varsity Basketball coach Coolidge, Arizona January 25, 1941 fr. Fa OG. Avian University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: Will you please give me your intervretation of Rule Number 4, Section 3, page 5 in Spalding's Official Besketball Guide which reads as follows: "A substitute before going uvon the court shall report to the Scorers, giving his name, number and pdsition. The Scorers shall sound a horn immediately if the ball is dead or as soon as it becomes dead, excest that a substitution may not be meade in the interval following a field goal and putting the ball in play from out of bounds unless a cherged time-out has been OO P08 6 ea as ve There is some question among the coaches and officials of this locality as to whether the "out of bounds" mentioned in the bbove rule refers to out of bounds at anytime during the game, or only after a field goal is made. Specifically, is it legal to meke a substitution on an out of bounds ball other then the out of bounds after a field goal? I would aopreciate your attention. Yours Blew s "elo B. Hinton hed Toe. Coolidge, Arizona JBH:VL January Sl, 1941 Mre Henry farper Plymouth Bowling Center | Yest LaPorte Street Plymouth, Indiana Dear Hank: Glad to have your good letter of the 9th instant, and sorry that I have not answered sooner. But you can bet your life that I will write a letter to the Phi Psits in Greencastle, Indiana . regarding Hank, Jre I will send a copy of the letter to vou for perusal of the family. Yes, I am well accuainted with the high standard of De Pauw University, and I am glad that you, Hank, Jre, end Mrse Hank have settled on a fine institution like this for the young mene Bobby is a senior this yeer, and while we were in Philadelphia, he called on Deen William Pepper of the Medice!l School end was admitted to the re of Pennsylvaniee %e will onroll | th ere next sian Some day we hope to have the Harpers out or we hope to see the Harpers in Plymouthe With all good wishes to you end yours, i am, Fyaternally yours, FCA:1lg:min Director of Physical Sducetion and “ecreation ‘ Varsity Besketball Coach Bowl and Keep Fit” Telephone 872 Plymouth Bowling Center West LaPorte Street PLYMOUTH, INDIANA Jan. 9, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas. Dear “Phog": Just a line to let you know how muck we enjoyed the Allens @aristmas Card. It was sure a dandy picture and is now resting on the table in our front room. Also enjoyed reading that article in the Saturday Evening Post. Kathering also got a big kiek out of it and Hank Jr. has told tae world that he knows you. Hank Jr. mas decided that ne wants to go down to DePauw University at Greencastle, Ind. for his first couple of years. It has a very Wigh rating and their credits are good anywhere and as me still wants to take Law he is in for six years of Gollege. He mas really beenme a sweet basketball player ana I sort of nate to have aim hidden away at De Pauw. He really is not fully developed as yet but inside of the "Text two years he will be a honey. He can keep up with any of them now. The team ae is on here in the high school has won 7 out of nine. Now as a favor I wonder if you would drop a line to the Brother Phi Kappa Psi at DePauw and reeomend Hank. They are a nice bunek down there and so I am asking all tne brothers to drop them a line as I want te get Hank in if I can. Thanks. Give my regards to Mrs Allen and tell heb that I gure hope that we can all get together again soon. Fraternally yours, Maud a poery ALLEYS