December 11, 1940 Mire Harold Hauser. Marion, Kansas Dear Dutch: Mr. Earl Falkenstien just dropped in my office and told me that under date of November 12, 1940 he wrote you that he miled you six tickets on October 12 for the Kansas-Kansas State game at Manhattan. He — enclosed a bill for $13.65 ee the cost with en ae neers ‘Mir. Falkenstion states that he hae not heard Sous gis ba Casey Ge Me Gmect U Eo 20tn of Beceren. You will remember, Dutch, that you called me from Marion and asked that I contact Mr. Falkenstien and have him mail you six tickets, You also requested, according to my notes, Mre Falkenstien should send you @ bill. Iam sure that this is just an oversight on ee Ge ee akla ce en e ooorel up with their practice and forget the minor details. These tickets wore obtained from Manhattan and Oi Ms as tnd on have sent them cash to cover the full amomt. I will appreciate it if you will let Ure Falkenstien hear from you at your early conveniences With all good wishes to you for a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig