August 29, 1941. Le Robert Hunt, Overbrook, Kansas. Dear Bobby: . I find that I have been very negligent in not acknowledging receipt of the announcement of your wedding to Miss Pauline Alpha Ressell which took place on May 27 at Colony, Kansas. ‘The announcement came just about the time of our examinations and the ending of ovr baseball season, and I have carried thie on my desk hoping to write you and Vrs. Hunt a letter of sincere good wishes. Your dad told me that you were going to Emporia for the summer, but doubtless you have finished with that task and are now getting ready for the opening of the fall tortie I truet that your married life has been very happy and pleasent, and may I wish for you and yours many years of health, happiness and some degree of wealth « at least a competence thet makes it well worth while. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach.