HARRISON BROTHERS, AGENTS DOWNS, KANSAS Jan. 15, 1941. Dr. F.C.Allen, Director Dep't. of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog :- My sister, Mrs, Catherine Kreamer asked me to write you and thank you for the very courteous way you treated her and the Halls when they met you in Lawrence Monday. And especially was I to thank you for the seats to the Game, From the way my Sister talked about you I am pretty sure that the famous Dr. Allen has made another sincere friend and that has never to date hurt any one.(The Halls were already in that category). I was sorry to note that the boys were sick or weakened by the Flu when they started on that Eastern Trip as that is so weakening no one can function at full effeciency while even slightly under the influence. I have no doubt that was the, difference between the Teams in both games, Also I am sure they could have taken Oklagoma had -it. not been for the after effects. Congratulations on the Iowa State Game as that was the Team from pre-Season and pre- Conference dope I was afraid would be too much for K U, My Sister reports that Vance and Jim looked pretty good Monday night and I am glad for them and for you too, Downs tried to play with two regulars out and three others just recovering from the Flu and lost to a Team they could have beaten 20 points. Smith Center took us 51-40 last night but had to wait until the last two regulars just had to give up before getting the lead in the game, I haven't seen anyone play out this way so far this year in whom you would have any interest. If I do see a player during this Season I will go to work on him through all the channels as I like to see my section of the State represented at & YU, With kindest personal regards to yourself and Mrs, Allen, and with very best wishes for 1941 and the years to come, I an, Sincerely Yours, UN Peeve PS - If the Bank Examiners don't drop in on us in the morning I may have to take the boys to K.C. to see their Dentist & if so will see the game Thurs, in Lawrence and will try to say = oo while there.