June 14th, 1941 Mr. Albert E. “aas Haas & Wilkerson Insurance Kansas City, Missouri Dear Mr. Haas: . You have been very nice to follow up in your letter as of June llth concerning some of our applicants. John Burge accepted a job at Raytown, Missouri. Paul White has joined the Marines. I'm not sure regarding Ramie Biems. This afternnon I had Ralph Dugan in my office and talked with him regarding this position. “6 was in Victor Hurt's class and Victor told him that if he wanted a coaching job in football, he would be glad to recommend him. Ralph was out with the freshman team but the fact that he was married while in school and has had to work for a living has kept him from going out for major sports. Ralph is one of the cleanest young men I know and has a very forceful personality. He does not use tobacco or alchoholic beverages and is an exceptionally save and valuable man to deal with young people. He has two or three positions on hand but has not closed with any and when I told him about the Stanberry position he seemed very much inter- ested. First, I want to apologize for not answering more promptly, but the ending of our baseball schedule, examinations, Commencement and the 75th Anniversary besides the Amateur Golf Tournament for which I was an officer, has taken up my waking hours as well as my evening hours. I had a large number of Commencement Addresses and this schedule has really ruined me as far as initiative is concerned. I'm as stale as a three-months-old piece of rye bread. When you mentioned Stanberry, Missouri, it called to my attention that I was born in Jamesport. Gallentine, Clarence and in all towns up North, I have relatives there. My grandfather, George P; Allen, was County Surveyor of Davies for a great number of years. And the Pogues, the Millers and the Allens are a great number there. Harry K. Allen, former Dean of Washburn College and now one of the Associate Justices of the Sansas Supreme Court, is one of my counsins. I do not know whether your father kmew any of them or not, but I presume he did because he is an old timer, too. T have not written to Superintendant Zeliff or to My, Hubert Lindley, a member of the Board of Education, but I gave Red Dugan their addresses and I'm assured he will write them tonight.