nee C. C. CARL, President GEO. T. WETZEL, Secretary-Treasurer Thirty-fourth Annual Tournament June I] to 15, 1941, Lawrence, Kan. THE KANSAS AMATEUR GOLF ASSOCIATION Lawrence Country Club, Lawrence, Kansas Mr. Member of The Lawrence Country Club Dear Member: Our club is going to be the host to the Kansas Amateur Golf Tournament June llth to 15th. This is a real honor for us. You will see some mighty fine golf, and tournaments of this kind stimulate local interest in golf, ‘ith real cooperation from all the tournament should show a nice profit. The success of this Tournament depends upon the turn-out. You as a member can help a lot. The dates fall right after commencement and the 75th Anniversary Celebration on the Hill. Won't you stop right now and make a list of your friends out over the state that should come to Lawrence for this event. Remember there will be flights for all of us... and vrizes for each flight. If you would prefer the committee to send your friends an invitation ... just let us have their names ... but we do want your help in making this the best Tournament that has been held in recent years. Cre, Chairman Publicity P, S. Can't help but put in a plug for new bers Haven't you a friend that would like to join our club. We'll be mighty glad to send you a guest cards. and you can arrange a game with him. MWe need new members, "A PLIGHT.FOR EVERY: GOLFER’