Dre Cherles Heines, President, Pueblo Junior College, Pucblo, Colorado. Dear Dre Haines: I am very happy to send you this information con- corning some of our outstanding men whem you might or ew a ee Gerald Barker, a gradeate of Baker University, who has nearly completed the work for his Master's de- gree here at the University of Kensase Barker was an entstanding athlete in his undergraduate days, and has hed umesual success in his teaching and coaching. He is now in his second year at Great Bend, Kansas. I believe him to be an cutstaniing candidate for your position. Lee Gasida, @ gratmate of Ottawa University, has also nearly completed the work for his Master's degree at the University of Kansas. We taught at the Towanda, Kansas, publig schools from 1935 to 1940. During the Paae your be doe been SHENAE HF She El Deane, Hae Junior High School. Eédwerd > ® greduate of Baker University. denier High Sehool, and this fall will start his second yoar at Atwood, Wensase He hed an cutstanding record as an undergraduate athlete. Herley Wo @ graduate of Ottewa University, will ee” nee wicker ’e Qngren, Shin, Somme at Ke Ue fio Ins been coaching about seven or eight eee ne 1d a graduate of Baker University, has nearly comp “his work for the Master's degree at Ke Ue Hoe has been coach at Shawnee Mission, Kensas, high seheol for several years. Ployd Henson, « graduate of the University of Rensase and coached for the pst two at Sebetha, Kansase was dene no work toward