June 19th, 1941 Br, Joseph C. Payne Nowell Playground Equipment Co. Danville, Illinois Dear Er. Payne: I beg to acknowledge receipt of your good letter of April 24th. Your letter was mislaid in a mass of delayed correspondence. ‘The fact that I coached both basketball and baseball and was extensively tied up with Highschool Commencement Addresses end the University Commencement, kept me from replying sooner. = The Mehart Menufacturing Company have sole charge of manufecturing and marketing that Goal Hi, and.I'm sorry that I cannot make any commitments of the like. IT trust that it will be possible for you to communicate with the Mehart people and ‘they can make some working agreement with Youe Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Reereation- Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. PCA: re