March 19, 1941 Mrs Darrel Hinkhouse Beloit, Kansas Dear Derrel: Thenk you for your kind words regarding our victory over Oklehoma. | You were very nice to pay tribute to our boys et Kansas. We ere very proud of them, and the thing we are most proud of is their behevior on and off the courte e I don't know how to say the thing thet I wish to say. I know the croud at Lincoln was bad, end I believe unconsciously or subconsciously at least that their beisterousness affected somewhat the officiating of you two arbiters. Perhaps no person can be entirely non-affected but when one crowd behaves and the other crowd misbeheves, the visitor gets the worst of ite I aseure you that we enjoyed having youe You did @ good job, but it was too tough for beginners to handle that Nebraska crowd. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Pecreation Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach FCAscg