FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION FOR KANSAS NEW ENGLAND BUILDING, TOPEKA, KANSAS ™~ A number of the boys here know that I worked under you last year and havebeen hounding me to death about some passes to one of your basketball games. We will have a buss of ovr own after the hollidays and could get down fairly easy ff any arrangements could be made so that it would be satisfactory or permissable to you. If there could be no arrangements made it still will be o.k. but this was just a thaought that might be worked out. Also the boys have this basketball team and do not have but one basketball. If you have an old one that is laying around and not getting any use you might thow it in the back seat of your car and bring it along when you pay us a visit. We surely would like to have you come up. I would like to talk to you about some mk of the things that are being carried out and some of thé things that should be carrbed out.in this pregram. Well Doc I have just about told all there is that is important up here. You might drop me a line and let me know what the prospects are for a basketball team. How is Johnny Buesbher getting alongmwx with his grades? Is he as poor as student as I was? Tell him to hit the books.for me that I am counting on him to be a good man for you. How are the last year frosh looking. I hope that do you a lot of good. Tell all of them hello for me and give the Big Six conference hell. Must close this letter or the mail man will want to sent this masterpiece by parcel post. Give Mit, Bob, and Mrs. Allen my regards. ours very truly, ‘ . s a ’ gv. Fred Harris Tell Mit to drop by and see me if he is ever up this way. My address is State and Twiss, Topeka, Kansas. It is over in the @k Oakland district.