tt has been quite sometime since your nomination by the Alwmi Association to the Athletic Boards Permit me to congratulate you on the selections I am glad to see you serve becnuse a man who has had athietic and business experience is always a valuable member to the Boards , Sometime in the near future I may be in Mate hed X ART obey Am Seal my hay Sincerely youre, misiiics si dined anit and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach o se : = ity ‘and a 5 Gent. love for ganos that hn the eitantions coms 7 eh ic oe nok aa ahh pamony write ne for . oe + us Wena, ee Se ee: 1023 West First Street Elk City, Oklahoma July 17, 1910. Dre Forrest Ce Allen Seventh at Louisianna Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dre Allen: Once more I should like to call upon you for possible assistancee Attached you will find carton copy of letter transmitted this date which I believe is self explanatorye If you are able to respond favorably if called upon the courteousy will be genuinely appreciated, you may be sures The furlough action came as somewhat of a shock, but wes honestly as stated, no fault of personal application but a case of circumstancee I feel sure that I will be able to find placement soon, possibly in some other Federal Bureaue I have had no success to date in contacting various aeronautics concerns = private and governmental = but have promising prospects pendinge My family is very welle We have a girl starting to school this falle The other girl is just threee My parents are also doing nicely, and visit us oceasionally in Elk City, This comtry here isn't so nice, and if I can find nearly as good a job elsewhere I will feel that we have made an improvement. As always, my very kindest regards to Mrse Allene We continue to hope to be able to visit Lawrence, and will do so before much longer e Thank you far past courteousies, and in | advance for any rendered in this matters Very respeotfully, € Bob Hicksone sik enn lis ainsoigtish Lowe Delta Delim Delta low, City, Tove to announce her appointment most any times Sincerely yours, Director of Pyysical Education and Recreation August 1, 1940. fi | ia = ui Director of Physical Biucation and Recreation, 3 y2 pa : £ +a Jia Gee ip He i aut ita Hull ii oii an fh it was good to see you and have & visit with | (ting iu t. 3 August 27,, 1940 J weveived your phone message whieh you delivered through Mrse Allen to me after I had retired last nights ver, lirse Allen was not clear in the message so I could Mise Allen stated to me that you desired the job at the State Industrial Sehool, and also desired that I get in touch with Fred lierris to aid you in the position. The thing that is disturbing to me is tliat I spoke to Ann Laughlin concerning you as a fit young mn to work in the NeYsAs I. was in her office last Friday afternoon recommending you and Fred larris of our Physical Sducation Department. I cannot: see how Fred liarris of Lawrence could help you because he is also seeking @ position. Did you mean Fred larris of Ottam, who is on the Board of Regents, or fred Marris of lawrence? = | I persommlly gave you an excellent recamendation and if iiss Laughlin desires a written one I take it that she would get in touch with me again, because I could only reiterates in writing what I said in persone i am leaving for Louisville, Kentucky today and will be at the residence of my daughter, Mrse Lee Hamilton, Anchorage, Kentuckye We will go from Louisville to Chicago about September 4. I expect to return to Lawrence about the Sth, A letter addressed to me at Anchorage, Kentucky before the 8rd of September will I em sorry that things are not more clear so that I could adequately handle the situation before leavings Sincerely yours, _-“« Dreetor of Physical Rducation and Recreation ROCKHURST COLLEGE ROCKHURST ROAD AND TROOST AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Auge 30, 1940 Mre Forrest Ce Allen, Dept. af Athletics, University of Kansas, Iawrence, Kase Dear Dr. Allen: A young man named James Height who is taking medical work at the Uni- versity of Kansas hospital, dropped into my office at school this after- noone He said that he had done some work with Dean Nesmith and yourself in treating athletic injuries at Kansase We are interested in getting a trainer for the football season, and I am wondering if there is anything to hime Also, do you know anything about a water coil heat apparatus he has worked on? I would like to hear from you concerning this fellow at your earliest possible convenienceée : : Hoping you have had a most enjoyable summer, and wishing you the best of luck in the coming year, I am Sincerely yours, WHramsie —_— Frank Hoow, Rockhurst Collegee ROCKHURST 9—Loras - AT oe 4—WI..1aAM JEWELL .20-Sr. AMBROSE ‘ At DavenPor aap ea ie Tcurs. September 5, 1940 ie. Prank Hood | Rockhurst College Kansas City, Missouri Dear Hr, Hood: | Dr. Allen is out of town at the present time, but your letter of August 30, regarding James Height as a possible trainer in your instituticn, will be brought to his attention as soon as he returns. | . However, I did get in touch with Dean Nesmith, and he reports that Hr. Height is @ herdeworking boy, capable and very cone sticntious, eae : Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dr. Fe GC. Allen = ie th HB i Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueetion and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache dune 10, 1940. Referring to your Gage ‘ioe 18~010525, —e Iason, ser Bs I beg to state tint’ lines Hultean has bean employed So Se, ag Si yee smear of te opto ami antiatnctory eareions : lirsy Tultoon £6 the wife of Ae George liulteon, Ae ‘Suployed as'a sub poctad alert: at tho Lawenoe Tost Oftoes I have not the slightest doubt but’ wit every ik % segalatien af your Fotaral ing Miinistenticn a be met maine hp ouswutahy to cash Ghaaaeatione , newt ke Unde, for ten years. ler father a ° retired an the ago Linit as a rural mii carrier oe | yng gic MOY % Recent without remrmtion es As | | Director of Mysioal Béuontion end Reorents on, FCASAH Varsity Basketball Coaches | FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION TOPEKA, KANSAS June 8, 1940 Physicial Education Dept. Please Refer to: University of Kansas Case No. 18-010323 Lawrence, Kansas Mortgagor Hulteen, Alberte S, Dear Sir: The Federal Housing Administration has received an application for mutual mortgage insurance involving the subject mortgagor who states that you are his immediate superior in his employment and states further in his application the following: Employed by: Kansas Univ. Term of employment: 4 years Present position: Secretary Present salary: $900.00 \ Your confirmation of the statements shown above including any other information that will enable us to make an intelligent decision is re- spectfully requested. We would especially appreciate some indication by you as to the probability of continued employment. Your reply will be held in the strictest confidence. You may use any method of acknowledgment most convenient to you. Your reply may be made on the bottom or reverse side of this letter if you choose. In any event, it is desired that you refer to the above captioned case num- ber in your reply. Your prompt consideration of this request will be sincerely appreciated, and for your convenience a franked, self-addressed envelope which re- quires no postage is enclosed. Very truly yours, PIT ie C7 no Director Enclosures FHA 2016 (c) 16279