PUBLISHERS OF R. C. MCCAUGHAN, D.O. e@ THE JOURNAL OF THE American EXECUTIVE SECRETARY AMERICAN c. N. CLARK, D.O. oe Osteopathic Association ase Sauaas THE FORUM OF OSTEOPATHY ROSEMARY MOSER sie Saece twike: Kesciarine GENERAL OFFICES — 540 N. MICHIGAN AVE. Bi jecieisetarite OSTEOPATHIC HEALTH CGC H I CAG oO RAY G. HULBURT, D.O. April 16, 1940. Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Athietics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: We are enclosing a copy of an article for OSTEOPATHIC MAGAZINE written by Dr. H. I. Magoun of Denver on the national A. A. U. basketball tournament played re- cently in that city. Om page 5 you will find your name mentioned, after which we took the liberty of inserting the phrase "who was trained as an osteopathic physician." We realize, of course, that you might not care to have this fact mentioned in the article, so have sent it to you to read. We will appreciate hearing from you at your ear- liest convenience as to whether we can let it stand as it is or should delete the reference steopathy.