- March 15, 1940. sar: Bile seins Hotel Eldridge, Lewrente, Kansas. | ek eee The tenn and I greatly appreciated | joer Rangtaninials | Very sinceroly yours, : —— CC re . , KA/756 15=LAWRENCE KANS 12 1009P DR FORREST ALLEN= | ALLIS HOTEL WICHITA KANS=: CONGRATULATIONS ON A WONDERFUL VICTORY REGARDS AND BEST WISHES FOR YOU AND THE TEAM ALWAYS= : BILLY HUTSON. Taupenies Kase Mexych 14, 1940 tire George Nedriok, lawrence, Kansass Dear Georges I desire to thank you and the Chamber of | Camerve most for the wire you sent us at Very sincerely yours, /POAAH — Manager, NeCeAche Basketball Tournanent. March 15, 1940. C. Le Burt, Hutchinson, Kanse Glad to accept invitation March 2564 Kindly send details. Regardse Forrest Ce Allene » Wetehinson Chamber of Commarea Officers A. D. RAYL PRESIDENT F. PAUL KANE FIRST VICE-PRES. PHILIP V. WILEY SECOND VICE-PRES. J. P. O'SULLIVAN TREASURER BERT SNYDER SEC.-MANAGER Cc. O. HEINLEY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONER Directors N. H. BENSCHEIDT WALTER BOEHM HOWARD J. CAREY ED L. CROOK G. Cc. HIPPLE F. PAUL KANE Vv. E. MAMMEL ADDISON MESCHKE HENRY PEGUES A. D. RAYL W. H. VERNON PHILIP V. WILEY MEMBER KANSAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE "United Gor Civie Service” PHONE 3400 LEWIS BUILDING FIRST AND ADAMS STREETS HUTCHINSON, KANSAS March 18 1940. Mr. Phog C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: The Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce is glad for the opportmity to act as host at a recognition party at the Bisonte, Monday, March 25, 6:30 p. m., for the Basketball Teams of Reno County, who won in their respective classes -- The Junior College having won the State Championship: The High School, Champions of the Arkansas Valley League; Champions of the Class A Regional Tournament at Newton: The Buhler High School, Champions of the Class B Regional Tournament at Newton; winners of the Class B Championship, State Tournament at Hutchinson: Pretty Prairie, Champions of the Class B Regional Tournament at Pratt: Nickerson, Co-Champions of the Mid-Continent League; Champions of the Class B Regional Tournament at Chase. In addition to the above, attendance at this dinner will be made up of basketball fans of this community. Naturally, with the outstanding success of the Reno County Teams, we were anxious that an outstanding speaker be secured for this party, and were most happy when informed by Red Burt that you accepted the invitation to act as speaker. The program will consist of the introduction of the coaches and players on the different teams, which will be handled by the Master of Ceremonies, music during the dinner by the Junior Col- lege Orchestra. Subject will be Basketball, and as to the time -- that is up to you, as you will be the only speaker. -2- Mr. Phog C. Allen, March 18, 1940 Not knowing what your plans are for the night, we have made reservations at the Bisonte Hotel. However, if you have other plans, this can be changed. Hoping your team comes through as winner in Kansas City, and awaiting the pleasure of having you with us on March 25, we are Most sincerely, nee Ae CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BY ot: Bert Snyder, Seefetary-Manager. Lg HE a yey | peed a. i iyi wi si] a iyi 5 ish Manager, NeCeAsie Basketball Tournemmnt. Very cordially yours, we would do well in Kensas City, I am PCAsH Lawrence, Kanse Mareh 279 1940 Mre George lie Husser, Menager, Ketter business Bureau, _Kensas Ohty, Mes. Dear George: I will be very glad to advise the Municipal Auditorium “enager that it will be perfectly #11 right for you te oxehenge your baleeny seats for seats on the arene floors Thenk you for your congragulations « Sincerely yours, Wenager, Ne CeleAs Basketball Tournament. FCAsm ps J. M. MITCHELL. CHAIRMAN OLIVER WROUGHTON, COUNSEL GEORGE M. HUISSER, MANAGER 4s >, OF THE KANSAS CITY ADVERTISING CLUB (INCORPORATED)? 602 LATHROP BLDG., 1005 GRAND AVE. HA. 7800 March 25, 1940 Mr. F. 0. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Phog: Just tried to buy reserved loge or box tickets for next Saturday's game, and found they were all taken. The box office at the Municipal Auditorium told me you might possibly authorize seats on the arena floor, and if so, wonder if it would be too much trouble for you to let them know so that I might exchange my balcony tickets for seats on the arena floor. It has been a number of years since I've had the opportunity of meeting you. I believe since the old "Y" days, and after my coming to the Bureau, I addressed the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, and was introduced by you. Under separate cover, I'm sending you a copy of my little book, "Rackets That Get Your Money", which I hope will prove of interest to you. We are all very proud of K.Ue, and most happy that you won out last Saturday over the Trojans. Would certainly appreciate your help in getting me seats on thefloor for next Saturday night's game. Te Pacis, “Rackets That Get Your Money. 10. . FRAUD’S BILLION sued. Chut YJooo Cees SS Adie... aS S che S SET TE Se aA ESE EI PE Se eli, SL nw By George M. Husser, Manager, Better Business Bureau, Kansas City, Mo. “Rackets That Get Your Money” contains 20 absorbing chapters on present-day swindle schemes, and the fraud-fight- ing work done by governmental and independent agencies. Written by the manager of the Kansas City Better Business Bureau, who has had more than 20 years’ experience in Bureau work. Following is a partial list of the subject matter covered. DOLLAR TRIBUTE. Losses on_ securities. How to tell gambles, swindles and investments. . GILT EDGES THAT TARNISH. Whiskey receipts, cemetery lots, unreal estate, “free” lots, and bonds. . SELLING WHITE ELEPHANTS. Partnerships, tipsters, stuffed flats and mail-order divorces. . BOOTLEGGING SINCE REPEAL. Stolen labels, gasoline running, tax evasions, and jerry building. . THE CONFIDENCE SWINDLES. Spanish “prisoners,” heir schemes, macing, short change, and bad checks. . YELLOW, BLACK, AND PHONY GOLD. Gold mining promotions, oil royalties and wildcatting. . HOME WORK AND NO PAY. Addressing envelopes, raising frogs and mushrooms, and work- ing puzzle schemes. . UNSURE INSURANCE. “Pass the hat” societies, trick insurance poli- cies, and fake accident racket. . THE MRS. CAN BE FOOLED. Magazine fakers, “free” encyclo- pedias, door knocking and the Green River law. TALENT FOR TRICKERY. Lit- erary bureaus, song writing schemes, and motion picture op- portunities. Bureau’s fund? The book contai book. In order that printed in the form of th ee USE COUPON BELOW Send 25 cents in coin or stamps to the Better Business Bureau of Kansas City and the book will be mailed to you postpaid. Net proceeds fron\sales made by the Bureau go into the ~ by 81/ inches. Tear off the cottpon below and send your order today. 11. 12; 18. 19. 20. SCHOOLING IN FRAUD. Infor- mation for would-be aviators, civil service jobs, questionable corre- spondence schools. “YOU’RE GONNA BE ALL RIGHT.” Medical quackery, pat- ent nostrums, testimonials, and diploma mills. . TIS FOLLY TO BE FOOLED. Fortune tellers, mind readers, as- trologers, clairvoyants, and their “con” games. . THE DYNAMITE IN LOTTER- IES. Gambling in business, stimu- lation schemes, endless chains, and Bank Night. . PLAGUE SPOTS OF USURY. High-rate money lenders, small loan law, Shylock on a chain of- fice scale. . MEMBERSHIP PROMOTIONS. The Mantle Club, Plenocrats, tax- payers leagues, and matrimonial insurance. . MOOCHERS AND WILDCATS. Chiseling in charity’s name, nobil- ity hoax, and travel bureaus. TRADE STIMULATION SCHEMES. Coupon books, Good- win plan, premiums, and the suit club racket. THE SOUL OF COMPETITION. How business and advertising serve the public. THE BETTER BUSINESS BU- REAU. Promoting fair play in business through self-regulation; Truth in Advertising movement. s about 60,000 words—as much material as goes into the average full-size kets That Get Your Money” could be distributed inexpensively, it is opular digest magazines. It has 128 pages, paper bound, size: 51/2 SEND ME A COPY OF “RACKETS THAT GET YOUR MONEY” BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU, 602 Lathrop Building, Kansas City, Missouri ~~. Enclosed nes cents (in coin ot stamps). Please send me postpaid a copy of the 128-page, paper-bound book, “RACKETS THAT GET YOUR MONEY.” a a ean pe cha apodeme seco CY on. catnnons-sntasnoscsuinns ¢ c * Standare f eu % > a ‘2 Any INS GAVIN HADDEN CIVIL ENGINEER 607 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK DESIGN — SUPERVISION — CONSULTATION RECREATION FACILITIES: FIELDS, COURTS, POOLS, TRACKS, RINKS, STANDS, PLAYGROUNDS, GYMNASIA FIELD HOUSES, STADIA, INDOOR TENNIS COURTS AIRPORTS March) » 1940 Dear “IS. GO darn . It occurs to me that you may be interested in knowing the ideal orientation for outdoor tennis courts in your location, for the various popular playing hours during the year. This information may be useful to you not only in determining for what period or periods of play your existing courts may be best suited by their orientation, but also in determining how best to orient any new courts which may be added to your recreation equipment in the future. The various ideal orientations for the usual hours of play for your location in Qausrrnen are: Summer Afternoons: N 10° E Winter Afternoons: N — E Summer Mornings: N 4a" W Winter Mornings: y= WW Each of these represents the ideal bearing of the net line of the court for the corresponding playing hours. The figures written in above have been read directly from a pair of maps which have been recently completed in my office, showing the ideal orientation of outdoor tennis courts in the United States—for summer after- noons and summer mornings throughout the whole country, and for winter afternoons and winter mornings as well in the southern states and the west coast area. These maps have been devised by astronomical calculations in the same way as the football and baseball orientation maps published previously and reproduced in the booklet illustrating some of the work of my office on the design of facilities for recreation. I hope to publish the tennis maps in a book which I am preparing on "Tennis Courts-——Their Design, Construction and Maintenance", but this publication is still in the future, and meanwhile I hope you may be inter- ested in the above information. If you know of anyone planning new tennis courts who might like to have similar information please let me know. Faithfully yours, CH:AK aren * \ Gs Mie Brutus Hamilton, Stephens Union, Berkeley, Californias Dear Brutus s | Your letter of congragulations is greatly appreciated by the basketball team and their coache The boys played a wonderful game and we are very proud of theme Sincerely yours, Manager, eC elvedie Basketbel2 Tournanent ‘ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ; STEPHENS UNION PHONE ASHBERRY 4800 BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 2S Mies 17 ro. Lawrence, Kansas March 28, 1940 Mire Bert Snyder, Hutchinson Chamber of a Hutehinson, KANSAS Dear irs Snyders This will aclmowledge receipt of your Letter and the check for $25.00«¢ Thank you very much.e It was a great pleasure to speak | to your group in Hutechinsone Sincerely yours, Manager, NeCeAsAe Basketball Tournament FCA m : Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce Officers A. D. RAYL PRESIDENT F. PAUL KANE FIRST VICE-PRES. PHILIP V. WILEY SECOND VICE-PRES. J. P. O'SULLIVAN TREASURER BERT SNYDER SEC.-MANAGER c. Oo. HEINLEY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONER Directors N. H. BENSCHEIDT WALTER BOEHM HOWARD J. CAREY ED L. CROOK G. Cc. HIPPLE F. PAUL KANE Vv. E. MAMMEL ADDISON MESCHKE HENRY PEGUES A. D. RAYL W. H. VERNON PHILIP V. WILEY MEMBER KANSAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE "United Gor Civie Service” PHONE 3400 LEWIS BUILDING FIRST AND ADAMS STREETS HUTCHINSON, KANSAS March 27 1940, Dr. Forrest C. Allen Robinson Gymnasium Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We are glad indeed to enclose our check for $25.00 for the purpose of defraying your expense to Hutch- inson to give the inspiring talk you did on Monday evening, March 25. Members of the five championship basket- ball teams who were present, as well as others who had the privilege of hearing you, will long remember the facts as presented by you. We again wish to thank you for the time necessary for you to take from your busy schedule to honor us, and hoping that after Saturday night the members of the KU Basketball Squad will be happy in the memory that they are Champions of America, we are Very cordially yours, HUTCHINSON, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE wf Jee? Bert Snyder, Secretarf-Manager. Lawrenos, TAnsas Mire Carlos Hobbs, Sports Editor, Topela Stete Jounal, Topelm, Kansase Dear Carlos: I am sorry that I an just now getting around to aclmowledging your le’tor of the 19th instant con~ corning tickets for George Moore. I took it to Kansas — City with mo, end I know that itr. Moore got his press ‘tickets there and saw the gd. | Runde te Walihhs tomrenents ba: tooth te . & camittee we had to work with Mir. Zachman, It. Bowles ._ and Horace Magen in the matter of tickets. I saw lit, — Moore at the gemé and now thet he got tickets all rights With best wishes, I an FOASAH Manager, N»C.AAs Basketball Tournenente Che Gupeka State Journal Topeka, Kansas March 19,1940 Dr.F.C.Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence,Kansas. Dear Dr.Allens I have been asked by George “oore, one of your graduates, who is a new member of our organization, since the newspaper changed hands, whether there are to be any press courtesies at the NCAA playoffs in Kansas. City. Not knowing, I am writing you to find out.Mr. Moore wants to attend Friday night, and if there are to be press courtesies, he would like a pair of tickets. I might be there for Friday night, and am pretty certain I will attend the Saturday night session. I should be glad to have a reply one way or the other so that I may properly inform Mr. Moore before Friday. With kindest personal regards, and wishing you success in the future, I am, Sports Editor WESTERN ILLINOIS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE W. P. MORGAN, PRESIDENT MACOMB. ILLINOIS Department of Health and Physical Education April 1, 1940 Phog Allen Basketball Coach. Kansas University Manhattan, Kansas My dear Phog: I didn't see very much of you at the meetings because you were very busy preparing your boys for the National Championship and, rer etre that was first in your mind. I want to say that your men did an excellent job against the University of Indiana; and if Indiana had been playing its usual game, you would have had a good chance to lick them but they were hot. In fact, I don't think I ever saw a team any hotter than they were that night. It must have been a great thrill for you to have your son playing, not for a state title but for a national title; and then when the national title slipped through your fingers, he still was selected on the All- American Basketball Team of the United States. As far as I know, this is the first time in history that a son of a coach has made the All- American Basketball Team; and it is still another feather in your cap because the son of a coach coached by the father to a place of national recognition. You also deserve a lot of credit in arranging this basketball meet at Kansas City because without your help it would never had been the classic that it was. Congratulations on a fine team. It was as good as any team in the United States with one exception and that was Indiana on this particular night when they were hot and your fellows were not as warm as usual. I shall never forget my trip to Kansas City which, by the way, was the first time that I was ever in Kansas City. Sincerely yours, fay pare RH: RM \ Director of Athletics P., §.--Clarence Schultz of the Commonwealth Amusement Company of Kansas City, Missouri happens to come from Lester Prairie, Minnesota. I had quite a visit with him and he tells me that he has had several business dealings with you in the picture game. Incidentally, Mr. Schultz is just a country boy who started out with a hobby and then made good with it. Y tet Seep 4 i wait ee é pera Rs ¥ ig BANS yes tar pemesan a gt 8 aE) v2 SS os at EA oS dis og as 5S ERS RTDs So April il, 1940. Ae Se Aloe and Company, Kansas City, Mos Dear Sirs: I find great merit in the athletic injury machine invented by Mr, James Hight. It is particularly adaptable to high schools where a diathermy machine is not available. it is fool-proof so far as injury to the patient is concerned. I have visited lire Wight in his laboratory . end have had him use the apparatus on mee I porsomlly find it very satisfactory in the treatment of injuries, and I am happy to recommend its use. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Coache FOASAR Varsity Basketball April 16, 1940. Seah: wink Tks teat Sis eitbeaigiindy inj, eaak on said that he will be very happy to comee So you may ex- pect both of us about 6:50 cn Tuesday evoninge With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, sincistan ot embe SRIOERE as Seed, RRNA Varsity Basketball Coache ; Washington Avenue Methodist Church LESLIE MILLER, PASTOR A Ransas City, Kansas April 11th Dear Profe Allen I received a letter from ReVe Hunt today and was glad to hear that you will be able to speak to us on Tuesday evening of May 7the The dinner will be at 6330 in the Social Hall of the Washington Ave. Methodist Church at 7th and Washington Blvde Kansas City, Kansase We will be glad to pay your expenses to comée The theme will be “Sports". The banquet will be attended by Young People of High School and Juniom College age also Young Business Peoplee On that evening we will also have as guests ovr Basket Ball Team, who will present their trophy to the Churche The time for the talk is about a half-hour. If it would be possible bring Reve Hunt with you and be a guest of ours alsde Sincerely yours Marian Hessell 549 Everett Kansas City Kansas APYAl 20, 1940 Mire Be Ne Hill, Su ; Since writing you on April 4th in response to your inquiry about my availability for your commencenent address om May 2lst, I find that i Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache ; April 4, 1940, : i 5 : : E : : Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAs AH Varsity Basketball Coache E. N. HILL SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS HUMBOLDT, KANSAS April 3, 1940 Dr. 8. G4. £li6n University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Our high school commencement dete is set for luesday night, May 21st. We would like for you to give the address; can you do so? Very truly yours, LMM Ny Bia fe p ob al. rat