HARRISON BROTHERS, AGENTS DOWNS, KANSAS March 25, 1940. Dr, Forrest C. Allen, Director Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog" te Heartiest congratulations to you and your boys on the victory over Southern California last Saturday night. With every wish that you can do the same to Indiana this week-end, I have listened to a lot of games over the Radio but that one just about was too much for my blood pressure, especially in the last few minutes, If you don't happen to come out on top next Saturday, you will still have a strong Booster in Downs, Kansas, I know how busy you are at this time but do want to take time to tell you that Max Kissell is still the best bet out in this section of the State for a future star at any good School in basketball. He is rangy, smart, modest, willing to learn, and has plenty of drive and is ‘plenty clever to eventually be a headliner in fast Company, I believe he favors K U and know you have heard plenty about him from his Dad but he is almost as good as Emmett says he is and not a bit spoiled by the constant publicity his father has sent out about him, Added to the above he is a mighty fine chap in every respect and a good student. Sincerely Yours, etal Sro > ¢ c * Standare f eu % > a ‘2 Any INS