May 4, 1940. in the block just west of your office I think I my : T am not sure that I left it there, but I wouter if you would be kind enough to check up with the barber. : If the het ia there, if you will mail 4t to me I will be gled to canpensate you for your trouble and for the postages It was a great pleasure to heve a visit with © ; vordiakly your | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. Law Offices HAROLD M. HAvuUSER Dean Building MARION , KANSAS May 13, 1940 Dr. F. Gs Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doe: I have made several inquiries in regard to your hat, but so far I have not made a discovery. As my memory best sefves me, you were wearing your hat when I last saw you, and that you had it on when you drove through the streets when you left town. 1 enjoyed your visit very much, and I sincerely hope that you will return soon. With very best personal regards, I an, Fraternally yours, HAROLD M. HAUSER HMH: EB uny 25, 1960, pitt it ; abel ee 3 : ray re Hisjt 3 i i igi iy ; a yn iii \ ih i Hi Wie if th nie i i a Hp gh aS He aie ‘3 £ UH 5 | ? i a ma l fate be at bit nf iif vis HE oH Haba Ae did Gie ae ihe La aie ny nai i) wee ite about their sons, so I want to keep that few to the minimums I am enclosing a copy of some correspondence that Mre Kissell, Max and I have hades I believe this my prove enlightening to you. in working with Maxe Bill, I would appreciate your going to bat with Max and your using Vance to encourage lex to attend K. U.. Frankly, I would like a few of the Yiestern xansas boys om the Kansas team « not only a few but as many as we could havee Kansas State has appealed in a sectional wy ) Kansas is not in their district. Well, of course, you University is a State University and it belongs to the whole state. g : g B E % 5 z 5 ‘Hays and Kansas State have sectionaliszed the state, malding the western- _ ers feel that the University is not a western institution, while Kansas | a th fe 3 aclnowledging her hospitality, it was just one of those diszy athletic _ geoashes who failed to do things et the appointed times ‘With all good wishes, len : ae ‘Director of Physical Bauoatiion and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaths a Enco a. HARRISON BROTHERS, AGENTS DOWNS, KANSAS May 24, 1940. Dr. Forrest C, Allen, Director Dep't. of Physical Education, University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas, Dear "Phog,." :- I am enclosing a letter from Emmett Kissell concerning his son Max who is still undecided as to where he will attend School next Fall. I thought you might write Emmett and give himz some helpful information, Max is in Topeka working this Summer and it easy to contact him and talk to him some time. His address is 1409 Eden Court Topeka, Kansas. I believe he is working for the State. I have not written you so very much about this boy or rather not nearly as much as I wrote about Vance Hall but he is a mighty fine chap and has the makings of a valuable athlete for some College or University. He is the kind of a boy you like and one you would enjoy working with. There is no question in my mind that he would have made a star on any Class A High School Basketball Team in Kansas had he been in a large School. He is smart, a good student, a good boy in all respects, and would take to Coaching well as he doesn't think he knows it all. His high scoring the past Season was not all he did as he plays the whole game as did Vance, If he is tied up. by two or more guards he feeds accurately and keeps his team scoring by setting up plays that can't miss. He thinks a lot of Vance and perhaps he could help get him to enroll at KU. I understand Vance called on him when out here last but haven't talked to Vance since to get Max's reaction. If I can be of any help from this end let me know as I have been working on Max and Emmett and even have talked to Mrs. Kissell several times trying to get the _ to go to KU. We all enjoyed having you with us the other evening and you certainly would make a good second story man should Coaching ever give out. Helen said she was awake a part of the time you were getting up but couldn't hear any noise and didn't wake me until after you had gone. Come out again and remember if you are ever in this territory or location we will enjoy having you stay with us. Sincerely, , yauias Sto LAY Teeny : ‘ ee. 2 a Jeu pe. 4%, a 4Ny Hs June ll, 1940, President, Tamrenoe Yationa) tank, “igus era ‘i ee "sadam unease, ets te Se sta Moth "pe infomation regain sn enany tutlder, » teow llder : econmizere ee amd « aoedinc under great physienl strain, and I an sure tit you will find ® lessening of hypertension if you use this less tinn a weoke Following is the nethod tint I follow now with my- self and thot we used with the bayss ane 1 befulin ompount capeule (Ily) the tines sly : If you | any one of these three, do not neglect the ta : of glycolizir three times daily. We obtained our medicants from Garich because his service wis very prompt end his goods were freshe AD RO I trust that this will give you the information - Very cordially yours, | ea Mrector of Physical Bdusation and Recreation, X i : salle é i ly i y i oe il 3 ai . Hi | rh a RRS ote — i ee b hibit, aD Rape, Ante) bly Ae put wit edn duly 2, 1940. Downs, Kansas oe | Dear Vance: | 7 ‘Uiaced aden: ot thik ett selietibi wel etcyepid sey semi Tessure your, I notice thet you are on an enforced vacation which will give you some time to plays Upon receipt of your ) ens ii cit and el nae A. is ens at ec oh and I Will take care of it persomally. Our practice is almys BSE ie eel ie iat ite rag dag herein adtioriaD ig yal al pure deeded ca sate ida tua, roo, tution and took, and eeu et tie ome times : Vanes, you write Rik again ent all on your former essco- iation and loyelties with hime ee eee re ee “With ell gpod wishes to your mother, your brother end so . , June 27, 1940 Dear Dr. Allen: I received your fine letter yesterday and was very glad to hear from you. I returned home yesterday from Clay Center for a sort of 'required vacetion'. The farmers in that district would not let us continue with our work until@ harvest is finished. Our next job to do on the road was to lay a six inch dirt and sand base, and this would muke it very hard for the hauling 6f their wheat as the road would be very soft and our mechines would hold them up at times. As there is no other immediate thing to be done to the road, all we have to do is to weit until@ harvest is over, which will be about ten days or two weeks, As I will be home ung this time I was wondering if you woulda send me the equipment that I have asked you for. The size of the shoes (if you Suess big enough box to send them in!) is 9. I hate to bother you with this but I would like to get in some penton, I received a letter from Max Kissell today and will answer it immediately. He says that he is unable to decide whet he wants to take and this makes it difficult to pick the school. I will try ana assure him that he can probably receive from the University any course . that he desires. Of ceok , d Poa tw herrt abcadey Roca em Hoping that you are fine and thanking'for the trouble that I am causing you, I am Sincerely yours, Ofna hal ire Vance Hall, Dowis, Kansase : Deen hasnt returned yet fron Yates Center, . gm@ I don%t have access to the training The ‘ball I could mail you, but I profer to wit wmtil With best wishes, Iam Sincerely yoursy. Mirector of Physical ducation end Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Conchs @ Kaw ie of (aud 5 i w | ‘\) a. , - a ogo 7 ' ott ah: ie ake alaty af i yi Hit : i i etal a —— : se igi il: ay Hod dh - - i 7 Hi it ra Age's daegt § pi I i : s 3 re Fred Harris, ee Dear Freddie: - FCA sAll ; ie ili, LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS ALACRA ra Sica h ln ip arg _.. 2 Qt SO Caw Co Ak Ad tan oe te 2 ae ace the Lreak —a AF aw advu-<1_e “sa Me Onn SPRL Rtv 8Bn2ef March 4, 1940. ifs We Be Harlan, 1002 Ne Sin, | Eurela, Kansass Dear bre Harlan: : ca cae Dk ik es i your kind note concerning basietball shees for your sate I have been out of town much of late on basketball trips, and this together with administrative duties has caused me to delay some of my correspondence. I believe that Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Company, of Kansas City, would be able to get the shoes for your some It is possible that they carry the right size in stock, but if not I feel sure they could get then for you on & special ordere With best wishes to you and your son, I am Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsh Varsity Basketball Coache Aotel Greemunonon NEH Kansas City,Mo. March 8 1940. Dr.Forrest C.Allen. Lawrence Kansas. Dear Dr.Allen; We appreciate so very much your interest and kindness to John. He seems pleased and happy to be living at thePhi Psi house. The last two or three years have been very trying for him because of his size. Since he first talked to you he has felt more comfortably about that. To us he has a nice disposition,and if he can keep this during the next few years,without bitternes he will have gone a long way to a useful,and happy life.Like most parents we wish we could relieve, of this problem. We are pleased that he selected K.U.a good school ,near home,and best because of your influence. If he is able to develop to be of any value to your department,I know that he will be glad to in that small way repay you for your efforts. Since John has been in Lawrence,we have heard so many nice things about your department,and how much you do for the boys. Thanking you again for your wery thoughtful co operation. Sincerely, poten ¥ Minn Hatters March 9, 1940.6 Mire Hemy Ewert, Dear Hr. Bueste | Ae I explained to you in gy letter of March Gth there was a that it would be » Okiaham, placing ¢ Six Conference in a sande eae ka seein for mo to be in Wichita, Kansas, on Monday and Tuesday for the play-offse 4 ee ee ee : | understand the emergency exose after my acceptance of your kind invitations I . trust that I may be with you at some time in the near Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache | Merah Gy 19406 We would hold this conference play~off on March 11 emi We I trust thet it will not be necessary for me to miss your bengquete However, I shall wdoubbedly kmow after Triday night's gomo, end will notify you immediately. February 3, 1940. lite Honry Bwert, Holton, Kansas. Dear Lire Bwerts: We play our last game at the 'hiversity of on Merch 8th, so I believe that I will be free to appear as your guest speaker on Mareh llth. The University dees not allow amy budget for trmevel- ing expenses, so it would be | for mo te drive my ow cer. I find that I camot operate it for less than 5¢ ® mile each waye if this expanse is not too moh for you, I will be happy to accepts : Very sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA sai Varsity Basketball Conche