about their sons, so I want to keep that few to the minimums I am enclosing a copy of some correspondence that Mre Kissell, Max and I have hades I believe this my prove enlightening to you. in working with Maxe Bill, I would appreciate your going to bat with Max and your using Vance to encourage lex to attend K. U.. Frankly, I would like a few of the Yiestern xansas boys om the Kansas team « not only a few but as many as we could havee Kansas State has appealed in a sectional wy ) Kansas is not in their district. Well, of course, you University is a State University and it belongs to the whole state. g : g B E % 5 z 5 ‘Hays and Kansas State have sectionaliszed the state, malding the western- _ ers feel that the University is not a western institution, while Kansas | a th fe 3 aclnowledging her hospitality, it was just one of those diszy athletic _ geoashes who failed to do things et the appointed times ‘With all good wishes, len : ae ‘Director of Physical Bauoatiion and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaths a Enco a.