December 26, 19396 Me and Mrs» Brutus Hemilton, Athletic Departnent, often end talk of you mach. You always in our kindliest thoughts. Wishing you a very hapvy Yuletide and a Director of Physieal Education and Recreation, FCAs Al Varsity Basketball Coaches Recreation, December 29, 1939. your’ keep bring better passage th Six rule, as ‘» but eur Rirector of Physical Education and Varsity Basketball Coache Lee*s Sumit, Missouri. haven every hin li, Jack Hall, a I letter of -Wealand could hel | Goulds ae to promise ry ae pothagen they are do not PE a Year, FCAsAH j } s vf i mL aa > a erm Lt | + . “al He faa = s pe % ey eRe Hotel Yip NICK ©. HALL. SS wi ; wee MANAGER SS . Cree AS I TH eee eens we =. AO EO Tucson, Arizona ea ot “% Any Us a "Gi ina. Doe tut f . a ate Galo. ee o,f. ee GARDEN ‘Site Ae Wo "Jack" Hefling, Hutehinson, Kansas. Well, everything hasn"™: ehanged’ This old mg I have had for 54 years, and from day to day I can": notice any difference, but other people oan fx year to year, perhapse is far as changing a dete is concerned, cen do that except you end I, and we are mrried.s Jack, I hearing fram you and I am gled to lane Whit Ais tettces sce ET mand aa tome: ; Wishing you a very pleasant and prosperous New Year, em ‘ Director of Paysice] Education and Recreation, December 305 1959 i em sorry thet there will be mo vacancies on our staff in this department for the coming summer. Director of Physionl Hducation and Recreation, — Vereity Basketball Coach. IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN December 14, 1939 Miss Ruth Hoover Dept. of Physical Education for Women University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Miss Hoover: I would like to inquire if there are to be any vacancies on the Physical Education Staff at the University of Kansas for the 1940 summer session. I desire to obtain a position for the summer, preferably in Kansas. I have taught 3 summers at the University of Wichita and the past summer I took work at New York University. I am an instructor here at Iowa State College and am qualified to teach almost all sports and recreation courses. I am particularly interest in Community and Adult Recreation work. If there is to be a vacancy on your staff I would be glad to come to Lawrence for an interview. I shall be in Wichita Kansas from December 18 or 19 to January 3 and believe I could come to Lawrence at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Vary 6 Ma E. Hester Instructor MEH: er My Wichita address: 508 East. Central Ave. Apartment #1 Jammry 2, 1940. With all good wishes for a very happy and prosperous New Year, I an Very Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache : ; iilal fest i Gg oe i | aa il pe Get HT nun eli ie : fa ris ih we pit ee a fang ees AL fi agi a} Mr orrest ~ Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, kansas Lf} 21477 Dear fog”: Columbo, VHancac fre wd So told po. please fret Ae fn ouch Wid, the Company that handles poor Sorts fi Lash ct Balf Warmup Sats) whieh have Che Gohar Chat Zips ine a Cap” Live Always te/4 that Your Boys Look better phan any Lve Ever Seex Suited a ¢ Court. Best of 4uch aad, Booed lnche. ‘ ae As. Ost tecal tegt Pelwees Che Adminstratcan asd) Prixcipal entyfend corth Your Sheeck here Aast Year, Z was adeed Serry abet A Loy Gd have hy, agate, We dedisa Wes we les Ed January 12, 1940. lite We He Harrison, Dowms, Kansase Deay Bills docs cleo phensed he i6 with the inproweent Verse fall hae ' SHOW. T haven't had much chance to watchthe fresimem recently, but hope to spend an evening with then soon. “arteh" reports that Vance has made tremendous ~ inprovenent since the varsity