8 University of Kansas _Scores of Games With Non-Conference Teams—Continued Leavenworth Y.M.C.A. Kan. Opt. 1902 36- 7 Lee’s Summit 4908. 27-1) Mexico City 1930 39 - 30 Mexico,Uni.of 1037 = 42 = 92 Minnesota U. 1922 = '32-— 41 Mo.S.T.C. Kirksville 1907 65 - 21 Mo.S.T.C. Warrensburg 1907 34 - 16 1908 39 - 10 1909 37-14 1913 30 - 24 1914 49 - 22 1915 46 - 20 1934 41 - 25 Tl.pts.276 -131 Gs.wn7- 0 Monmouth, Ill. A. C. 1903 21 -40 Muscatine, Ia. Nat’l Guard 1906 23 - 48 Muscatine, Ia. Y.M.C.A. Kan. Opt. 1902 25 - 38 Nebraska Wesleyan 1905 °-3T. =-52 Newton, Kan. A.C. 1903 38 - 7 1904 18 - 10 1906 18 - 23 1907 41 - 27 1908 37 - 32 39 - 32 26 - 25 Tl.pts.217 -156 Gs.wn 6- 1 Nome, Alaska 1908 18 - 34 Notre Dame Kan. Opt. 1929 17 - 29 21 - 32 Tlpts.. 38 = ‘61 Gs.wn 0- 2 Okla.A.& M. Kan. Opt. 1926 38 - 18 47 - 30 1928 34 - 31 46 - 44 1930 44 - 20 1931 31 - 29 1936 **34 - 28 Tl.pts.274 -200 Gs.wn7- 0 ** Olympic Preliminary. Olathe Mutes Ottawa Y.M. Kan. Opt. Kan. Opt. 1904 35 -101905 22 - 34 Omaha YM. Pittsburgh 1900 12-109 1932 24 - 23 1903 25 - 23 26 - 20 1905 24 - 31 2 Tl. oc ae Tips, 72 «63 aes . _ Gswni2 = 1 : Rockhurst Col. Osage City 1937 35 - 19 1905 2.18 =258 3 So. Calif. Oskaloosa, Ia. 1936 34 - 31 Kan. Opt. se a ee 56 - 21 1933 38 - 20 See 38 - 17 Tlpts. 93 - 35 Gs.wn 2- 0 = Tl.pts.110 - 65 Ottawa U. . GSwn 3- 0 Kan. Opt. 1901 14 - 8 Schmelzer A.C 1904 21-25 Kan.Cy.,Mo 16 == 96 1903 221 2.45 1907 37 - 35 1908 66 - 22 Southwestern 39.39 1937 22. = 96 1909 61 - 22 39 = 27 1939... 35 — 97. tlpts. 61 — 53 45-2 95 Gsiwn 1-41 1936 "53° = 22 —— —~— Topeka Y.M. TlLpts.379 -249 Kan. Opt. Gs.w’n 1s 3 1899 SL - 6 21 = 17 Ottumwa, Ia. 23 - 12 Kan. Opt. 1901 7-14 1902 10 - 20 Zi - 2B 1905-29 == 5 4904 «25.2529 TLpts. 39 - 25 Tlpts.134 - 94 Gs.wn1- 1Gswn 4- 2 Basketball Records 9 Scores of Games With Non-Conference Teams—Concluded Warrensburg Washington U. 1918 51 - 22 Wm. Jewell See Mo.S.T.C. Kan. Opt. 40 - 25 Kan. Opt. 1909 26 - 28 93 . 47 1899 19- 3 Washburn “ 23 - 18 18 - 32 1902 io - u an. pt. 33 ea 28 1 1 3 a = 1906 a = = 2 5 2 ee - . 7 1903 10 - 12 r 1910 46- 7 : 23 - 12 1908 19 - 17 34 - 13 — ou = = 1904 27 - 10 i 19 - 16 1921 39 - 28 7. 1909 46-17 5.26 46 - 17 1907 20 - 22 1912 32 - 30 4912 +443 - 16 1922 44-17 1908 16 - 27 1913 44 - 25 30 - 22 41 - 26 19-2 417 1914 39 - 28 28 - 32 4, - 14 19138 47 - 19 1920 50 - 40 42 - 29 o7 - 21 Gs.wn 9- 4 a = 1914 50 - 19 dong. 18.~ 25 1931 27 - 19 28-19 1927 31 - 15 Wyandotte 1934 31 - 22 36 - 21 27 - 18 we ; 1935 33 - 27 1915 48 - 16 1928 29 — 26 sees 51 - 26 1916 32 - 19 he **33 - 30 43 - 13 T.pt.1780-1204 Games by 1937 30 - 26 30 - 23 Gs.w’n 44 - 10 Years in 42 - 27 24. 33 Basketball TL.pts.865. -538 1917 34 - 26 Book of 1936. Gs.wn2l- 2 as ** Olympic 16 - 24 Winfield, Ks. Preliminary. 29 - 19 1909 47 - 34 SUMMARY OF SCORING Games Points Kan. Opts. Kan. Opts. Big Six Conference games 80 30 3,554 2,883 Big Six opponents, before forming of conference 153 83 6,740 5,804 All-Time, Big Six teams 233 113 10,294 8,687 All-Time non-conference opponents 243 85 10,368 7,482 All-Time, Grand Totals 476 198 20,662 16,169 Total games, 674; total points, 36,831; different opts., 74. Points per game average: Kansas, 30.65; opponents, 23.99.