Kanan Cidy, Kansas. I want to tell you how very, very mich I enjoyed my lumcheon dete with you last week. You are & regular fellow, and I don"t imow when I have had a better time. , aoe I thought I had some books on hand but I find that I em entirely oute However, I have written to MeGraw-Hi11 Book Company for sone more copies and just as soon as they come in I am going to appropriately autograph this text for you. In the back of the book there are seven yarns that I think are pretty good. = The Tales of Yesteryear. i want you to read thea, and I hope that you enjoy some of theme As I told you, one is about Mitton end I imew you will enjoy reading that because you lmow a would feel toward your own son that you were trying to long, especially when you bump into sme difficult ob- I have asked my secretary my offices I want to have a nice visi your passing on the necessary informe ti will handle it with discretion, I am al Please tell Mary Jane that I promised to come over to her office where she was worlcing to say hello. I wented to visit in person with the young lady at a time when she was earning her om money and being her ow bosse You tell her that on my next trip to Kansas City I will not overlook this, | . Agein thanking you for your hospitality and kindness, end assuring you thet it is always a great pleasure to me to be in your presence, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical nducation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach.