close the Trojans have a tendency | to lose their equilibrium and give | way to wild ball-throwing instead of cool deliberate playing. This was dis- played noticeably. last evening in the last minute of the game. Quite opposite to the scoring rec- ord of the Dragons which showed Hall, of course, with the bulk of the load, the Trojans shared quite even- ly with the scoring throughout the } game. In our opinion, under average playing conditions this situation is ‘far safer and will constitute more ‘consistent scoring than if one man | does all the work. It is merely a mat-| (Continued On Page 4) COURT CHATTER (By HLR) (Continued From Page 1) ter of not putting—‘“all your eggs in one basket. te In spite of the icy roads quite a large group of Beloit rooters. made the trip, and although the Trojan cheering section was small, consider- able noise originated from that part of the gym.