7 HILLYARD SALES COMPAN DISTRIBUTORS BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES ESTABLISHED 1907 ST-JVOSEPH-: MISSOURI-U-S-A: ELLIOTT: C. SPRATT CABLE ADDRESS “HILCO” SALES MANAGER H December 15, 1938. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Varsity Basketball Coach, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog:- Thanks a lot for your letter of December 13th. Under separate cover, I am sending you 12 of our Combination Basket- ball Chart and Score Beoks, also 12 of our Tournament Brackets. If you want more of them, let us know and we will rush them to you. With very kind personal regards and wishing you the best of the —* Greetings, we are, ECS:HP OPERATING NATION-WIDE SERVICE OF FLOOR MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS