Mr. Charles A. Burke, Jr, Loewe & Gampbell athletic Goods Co., 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Charlie: lt cs haw sane ante otek. heehee: Wis I know this will do him lots of good, and I assure you it will’ give his parents genuine satisfaction. Nothing that you sould ee eee eee Sem beter ee SS his mother. \, You know, mothers have a way of hoping for the very best fer their sons, and when someone compliments their work then the mothers feel that their life has been a succeas beoalise all of their life goes inte their children. As for the dad, - of course he is always proud, but he is rather a hardboiled guy that never shows any sentiment or emotion at times, but I do want you to know that I appreciate your writing this as it is a fine tribute from a fine fellow. Thanking you again, and assuring you I was happy to receive your letter, I am Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.