HARRISON BROTHERS, AGENTS DOWNS, KANSAS April 17, 1939. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical kducaion Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog" %— I showed your nice letter to Vance Hall Saturday and he is of the impression that he will go to Lawrence with his Coach and two other boys to enter the High School events in the “elays on Friday. Vance will pole vault for Downs High. If they don't go that way 1 have asked him to drive my car down as Helen has to take Billy, Jr. to Kansas City to be there the morning of the 2lst.(Fri.)} and she will have only the two boys, another lady, and Vance if he can arrange to go along. Helen has been seriously sick with a Strep infection in her am and I asked Vance to drive for her. At any rate he will no doubt be there for he is thoroughly sold on K U for the next four years and I don't believe there is a single chance of any smarty Coach from some small School talking him out of K U. I can't remember whether or not I ever wrote and thanked you for the nice way we were treated in February. I usually attend to such things while they are real fresh in my mind, so ifl failed previously I do want to again assure you that all of us had a wonderful time and enjoyed every minute of our trip. I didn't mention Allen Verhage in the above because I don't believe he will ever come out for Varsity Basketball when he comes to K U as he is just a very ordinary High School player and won't be big enugh or fast enough to ever stand a chance down there. He is a fine chap but no basketball player. I don't think he will be there Saturday withVance. I see that our mutual friend "Bing" Smith has another job which will take him away from Lawrence more often. Glad for him but think he is a fine chap for any Tom. I don't know when I ever met a chap who so completely commanded my instant liking. With kindest regards, and hoping to see you soon, Sincerely, AUDI erty)