Mansfield Hyatt 9311/2 Clarissa St. Pittsburgh, Pa, Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas, — Dear Sir: Your yery good letter of facts and knowledge, received and appreciated, As to reactions you ask for all I can say is, " Amen", Seems like you know all the answers, Who am I to speak against the truth? You are perfectly corrcet, with the exception that it takes more than academic work to make school a success, Surroundings, frééndship s cooperation and etc. have to be there also, and if one goes wrong it can upset everything, As to your statement about the fellows you mention having had to work, here is all I know about what I did at G. W. ana if there is any harder work at Your Schgol then I dontt want my schooling, Worked from ten in the night till in the morning, waxing floors in the cla&s rooms carring around a two hundred and fifty pound waxing machine up and down steps. That was for five months when basketball season wasn't on, So nobody can say anthing tome about working and trying to do studying at the same time, But as far as some other things you said you are perfectly right. AS you say I would need to take care of myself the first semester,1l guess K, U. and Mansfield will not get together. Would like to go to K, U. but can't afford that. Will go to school though as there is a school that I sure I can go to and work my way through. and I don't want (have to ask favors from anyone, I promised myself and my folks that I would finish school if there was any possible way of doing it and mean to do yast that. Se thanking you for your time and kind letter and not blaming you for . not taking the chance on me at all,Iguess 1 will bow out, After all basketball is secondary to my finishing my schooling and getting my Coaching certificate and I can go to Some little school here in the state, of course I may not get quite the high class teaching that I would elsewhere, but that has to be expected, Would like to get your very intellecual letters again, and may be out your way again shortly and if I do,would sure apperciate it if we could spend a few hours together just talking, I also realize this typing is not up to standard, excuse please, Best regards to you sir.