October 5, 1958. si eiely Sihablaiihe: mek soci eae we ene’ 50 has arriveds ica wench Sikhiy veut ae sind ieattiviillis an, Wik taal "Rotter Baskethall™. I am glad to know thet you enjoyed ite Ten enclosing sae tear sheots fron the October issue of The Rotarian which may already have seete Aer you read the tao articles i fag Fe happy to have you send me your eriticlans. T aiadl bk Gn Sa boner Rte, gies tat Leen ace Slight Thank you for the iniometion in regerd to the Rose Bowl tichetss Of course, if Califomia dees win the championship ny esata a It will be wery gracious of you to help Irss : We, too, wore deeply shocked to reed of the death of Ormend Beeshe He was @ fino gectlaen aad spartans Me wife's Tt was good to hear fron you, Bizous, and I trust your year is starting out in fine shapes With ell good dishes, I an Director of Physical Edveation, t ' almaill STEPHENS UNION il PHONE ASHBERRY 4800 BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Pca Art —e ge Pm en faz an thoes. in ae Ana foots ao Meee a ==6\ii] STEPHENS UNION ah PHONE ASHBERRY 4800 BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA fee Adee Fina. Shree - tw "ee Be AO “S43 gg a oo oe Ste Joseph, Missouri Dear Arts I received your letter and check for $15e75 for seven tickets for the Nebrasim-Kansas football geome. As you Imow, I have nothing to do with the sale ot teamate, Wut 3 fath your request eit Meo Bek Pith stien, financial secretary of the Athletic Association, and Iam very sure that you will get some excellent seats. There is a charge of 15/7 for insured postage, Ear Joe he cee XeREae 18 Soe Sens aa She Sey be gent to Mre Falkenstien. It was a pleasure to do this small favor for you, Se Mth ali good wishes, I an 7 mreotor sf i. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES HOME OFFICE NEW YORK THOMAS I. PARKINSON, PRESIDENT ARTHUR D. HEMPHILL, DISTRICT MANAGER ST. JOSEPH. MO., 611-615 CORBY BUILDING ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI October 12, 1938. MEMBER $200,000 CORPS J Zz ese “yy /\ i { fx 4 i\) en / hk / a Or DR, F. C. ALLEN, Athletic Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, / C Dear I am enclosing my check for $15.75 and will you please send me solid block of seven (7) for the Kansas-Nebraska game November 5th. I will appreciate getting these in as near the center of the field as possible and about mid-way up. Kindest personal regards, ADH/T™M Enel e Tee A oe ¢ a a inal | i ie Ai + lite Ae Re Hyde, Circulation Departnent, Harper's Magazine, 3 49 Bast SSrd Street, . ° ° New York Citys ie | Dear lire Hydes st nan’ cemchontnig topes air itsah: fet 8400. for a three years renew.l of my ematon to Harper's a Magazines | Director of Phyzion! Education, - Versity Basketball Coachs Harpers MAGAZINE HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers 49 East 33d Street, New York October 3, 1938 Dear Subscriber:- I am always glad of an opportunity to write to our subscribers, because while we are naturally pleased at winning new readers, we are more concerned with keeping our old ones. Just now I am writing to remind you as gently as possible that your valued subscription to Harpers Magazine will expire with the November issue - unless, of course, your order has crossed this letter in the mails. This is not to be regarded as a high pressure sales letter. Since most of our readers renew their subscriptions as a matter of course, such a thing would not only be annoying but ridiculous. Besides, I could not think of any argument so persuasive as the magazine itself. I am simply reminding you, in a friendly way, of the passage of time to save you the annoyance of miss- ing an issue. And I want to mention a few of the forth- coming articles I believe you will particularly enjoy: OUR LAWYERS, by Ferdinand Lundberg ENGLAND MOVES TOWARD FASCISM, by Eliot Janeway CHARLES A. BEARD, a portrait, by Hubert Herring FORTY-THIRD DIVISION: beginning a two-part story by Ralph Bates KING OF KINGS, by John Gunther An order form and return envelope have been neat- ly combined for your convenience. You need not send your check now. We will gladly bill you later, but won't you return the order promptly and run no risk of missing a number? And remember you may renew for two years for only $6.00 or three years for $8.00 - a saving of considerable dimensions. Cordially yours, HARPERS MAGAZINE IT have arranged to leave three exellent seats for the Saturday gome st the house, shere you may pick then ups If amy of you should at the last mimrte decide Se ea ae ereee te “y fre Se me knowe ) tine te nae ee desire to tur then im before gmo time go there would be no difficulty ebout the refunds Tt should te an axalext gute ce Puitiine Rriolows, Careny and his feutly, ani a, group are driving up fro Bartlesvilles T Syuwh Shh Ger GEE Se ake te wank Gees AF yom Bae cone by rier Gok tee oo If I were you I would Jeave | rathe: iy take Mat S nadtony, Teabel, and the baby érove a a@ group iar ucouiel a, mo ete ek ee we” I willbe good to see yous i Director of Physical Education, PCAsAT : ee oe CAPITAL AND SURPLUS W.T.KEMPER Chairman $5,00CO0,000700 JAMES M. KEMPER Presiden : : : : Kansas City, Missouri TRANSIT DEPARTMENT Oct. 10, 1938 Dear Forrest, I sure would appreciate it if you would get me three good seats for the game Saturday and take them to your house, I intend to drive up and will stop and visit with you and Bess. Enjoyed hearing your voice over the radio. Hope this will not inconvience you in any way, and hope to see our boys come through with a win Saturday, . ilay iste Jaen VIA AIR MAIL Rees se ies ea ‘ Kansas plays Carleton so you'll probably have to card me after Jan. 10 or prior to Dec.15 if you decide tO use my act at all. it will nin a guarantee of 25 dollars for me to stage such an exhibition in Lawrence, but my price will likely be double the above amount after the movie short is made. On October 1 I received a 6-line mention in the AP sports column by Eddie Brietz which makes its daily appear- ance in more than 600 papers. Last April 14 I made Ripley's cartoon while in both March and August I received publicity in the New York World-Telegram. The Nov.27 issue of the appearing in 330 college publications, will publish several photographs of me in trick shot stances. Some of my variations are: shots from behind the back- board, One-handed and two-handed lying down shots from under the basket while on my back, sitting down shots from under the basket while facing the basket or with my back to it, a one- handed forwaré pass shot from 50 feet away from the basket; blindfolded shots on both feet, ond either foot or one-handed; a backward bending free throw, one-handed and two-handed bounce shots from the foul line, two handed free throws on both knees and On either knee, one-handed free shots on both knees and on either knee, a kneeling down bounce free throw, a drop-kick free throw shot, a high arch foul shot, a bounce-bank shot from either side of the basket, a long bounce shot, an Over- headed two-handed shot and a host of other types not easily explained on paper. I keep on getting better every season altho each year I think of more difficult tricks; but now I have about reached the end of my rope and I'll be able to Gevelop a little more accurac$?y on the many unorthodox shots I introduced last season. I worked out before Nat Holman in New York City a year ago last September and made a good im- pression upon him despite the fact that it was only my first workout ina half year. I performed at Purdue when they played that famous 15 minute stalling game against Illinois before 8500 fans. My demonstrations in Indiana last February and I performed in every sector of the state, were ‘idiaeiousls appreciated by the fans as a number of testimonials from coaches and radio officials there will indicate. Very sincerely yours, Wbed ? ae eee An THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201-S CLASS OF SERVICE a SYMBOLS This is a full-rate DL = Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NM = Night Message gram unless its de- NL = Night Letter ferred character is in- di cate d by a suitable LC = Deferred Cable sym above or pre- NLT = Cable Night Lett ceding the address, eats R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J.C. WILLEVER eiemane iincpeika ok nee wakes twinae No eee The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination. Received at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 KR121 DPR PAID=OKLAHOMACITY OKLA 5 11594 PHOG ALLEN= KANSASCITY UNIVERSITY KR=: az ~ mr i 4-4 [> fr tt 199 Vi -- PM {2 PLEASE AIR MAIL TODAY PICTURES YOUR PLAYERS COMING DOWN FOR AGGIE GAMES= BUS. THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE ag: Cordially yours, Director of Physical Iducation, Versity Basketball Coaches December 18, 1938, y vorning . I had ae tie 48 aloo Tuletide , md ? i a . Hl l 4. in 4 , H H Ha : ley fie net i fic i iq aj is i> He uh 5: fir fi ji HE iatges i H a Se Hid dh i “i Hi a : at oT 1 a ie ih ie il i Hi! iH ih Hh i a ie ann a8s ik udssiat denunry 9, 19596 Sewations tat Se maveed Gua vole " 2 a oH a é i fenily, i cou ho, ant he li ia ie : ia i Hitt ty i i jit f ae fi ui He aly Ul A ee fr ¢ ai a JOUrS, rector of Physical Rducetion, Varsity Basketball Coache.