THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES HOME OFFICE NEW YORK THOMAS I. PARKINSON, PRESIDENT ARTHUR D. HEMPHILL, DISTRICT MANAGER ST. JOSEPH. MO., 611-615 CORBY BUILDING ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI October 12, 1938. MEMBER $200,000 CORPS J Zz ese “yy /\ i { fx 4 i\) en / hk / a Or DR, F. C. ALLEN, Athletic Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, / C Dear I am enclosing my check for $15.75 and will you please send me solid block of seven (7) for the Kansas-Nebraska game November 5th. I will appreciate getting these in as near the center of the field as possible and about mid-way up. Kindest personal regards, ADH/T™M Enel e Tee A oe ¢ a a inal | i ie Ai +