=) . if Hf i i ister me, end ay 18, 19396 yours, 8 a cea i F a HEE “1 of varsity basketball with Varsity Bas’ have i doulyted his loyalty, his ta ; any time. Loren Florell. it gives me great (ac & gartlenan ond an atiletes - pleasure to write you regarding Florell because I hold him f wishes, I an bs 89>: aH | a fifi ih H13 | i if ; = va “i — i A rea «BSE 2 the excellent ycumg men with splendid possibilitiess — Stes T om sorry that im the press of mtters I overlooked thing you venut’ one orf Grend Avenue and NeGee at 25th st Mensas City, Missoutle Mrs Je Craig Ruby, Fall Hi KANSAS CITY NEW YORK MANUFACTURERS OF FINE GREETING CARDS GRAND AVENUE AND MCGEE AT TWENTY-FIFTH KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI May 2, 1939 Dr. F. C. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: One of your boys, Loren Florell, has applied for a position with us following his graduation next August. He has made a good impression and we are wondering just how you size him up as a possible salesman. 1 will appreciate any information you can give me and of course it will be held in confidence. I see where it appears that the National Association will meet here next March. I shall look forward to seeing my old friends at that time. Thanking you for past favors, I am Cordially yours, HALL BROTHERS, Inc. cee - J. Craig Ruby Personnel Department February 1, 1959. a Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache FCAsAH September 12, 1958. Very Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coachs Dr, F. Gs Alien Lawrence Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Your letter arrived the day I was leaving California. I am at home now and will be glad to either see you or hear from you. iI feel much better than when you saw me the last time. Fraternally yours, , warvin Hall , Novenber 23, 1938e Professor Edward Je Hickox, Springfield YelleCele Springfield, Masse Dear Be Jet 5 2 t cs og E H i j E nowe I think it is silly for stay in the harness for such @ leng period that wo really feil to get the fullest out of life eat a time when we can enjoy it the moste So, I am congratulating on at the begiming of the season. This is a little ip it, - fe a } i a ae AY Li H it tt tn Bhi ih if He i pa: a aly, i Hel “3 H te ie 0 i ae Hpi i i ct iii Hn HH aban Wi fl + ni thet I was out of tom when you were at the | Relays last yeurs Health the the Atlanta, Georgia, attending the National It would be good to Imew you, and. am convinced that you spend at the University of Kansas will be of kindest this I was in no 1S YOurss Varsity Basketball Coaches ; oe uf g92 ali dit ile H Hate a ae bed ah tacatledaaesti eee ce raat tr Hass i : au i 34 F EPS 1 if bul afta] Bais nai i id te aMLite a . Bey HHA Gf quia Ae ag a ity ia eee ie i Lia ue ii ite ry mh i ai i) Wines Goa I will also convey your good wishes to lrse Allen. Yes, she remembers you very well, because she has spoken to me Very sincerely yours, : J.O.HARRISON, PRESIDENT W.H. HARRISON, V. PRESIDENT M.W.HARDMAN,V. PRESIDENT DAN B.HARRISON, CaSsHieR THE STATE BANK OF DOWNS CAPITAL STOCK $35,000.00 SURPLUS $30,000.00 DOWNS, KANSAS January 18, 1939. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen :=— I have intended writing you for some time about a High School basketball player here in Downs, Kansas, but wanted to have some definite idea as to his future plans before doing so. The chap I have in mind is Vance Hall, who was placed on the all State Class B Team last year at Salina as a forward. Hall has decided definitely that he will go to K U next Fall and I know that anything in the form of recognition from you would justabout tickle the boy to the utmost. He will not have to work his way thru school as his parents can help him. He is a good student, a conscientious church member and an all around fine one: Does not ned any bad habits and I know him very well. I don't know whether or not it is your custom to write letters to boys who have signified their intentions to an alumus but I do _ think Hall is worthy of attention from any School. All of the coaches from — the smaller Kansas Schools are after him and he will have offers of every kind this Summer but I feel sure that I have drilled Phog Allen and K U into him for so long that he will not change his mind. So far this year Hall has averaged over 20 points a game and is not a Grandstander.I honestly believe he is one of the best forwards in the State. He is six feet tall, weighs about 165 and is still growing. I had intended bringing him to the game at Manhattan but Downs plays that night so that is out of the question. If there is sucha thing as a Saturday night game this Season at Lawrence I will bring, hi age there as he is very anxious to see your boys play.I called on younluring the Nelays last year but found you were in the South at a conference of coaches. | Please let me —— if K U does play on a Saturday night this year. : My very best regards to yourself and Mrs. Allen ( she may remember me as I sat next to her is French classes back in '20). I hope sincerely that 1939 is one of the best year the Allens ever had in all of | their business and family life. Sincerely Yours, e | February 18, 1939« Mre Fred V. Hein, Director of Physical Biucetion, Oshkosh Publis Schools, Oshkosh, “isconsins Dear lis Hein: Dre Allen has referred your letter of February Gth to me for replys At the present time the University of Kansas is offering a Master's degree in physical education — only in combination with Education. As this progrem is just ee ee ee ee ee ee to be very far in the futures ink ce wih eal Nabi wenteheen 1% the situation at the University of Wisconsin than I, and for that reason I will endeavor to describe the situation at the nidile woot to tmrd © doctor's degree in health end piyetont not believe the University of Minnesota is offering a doctor's degree in this field at the present time. ¢ gf i iit! ats BEa_d alae cll ad ee a fai chile i il tHe il “ea al a3gie i iM pe Nh ; Ve We Lapp, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Educatione ‘Very truly Yours, VWL:AH THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT F. V. HEIN, SUPERVISOR LUCILLE MILLER,ASS’T. SUPERVISOR JANE BARLOW, SECRETARY February 6 2 1939 To Director of Physical Education & Health Professional Men's Course Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: I am planning to attend school this summer to work on a Doctor's degree. I received my Master of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin with a major in Health and Physical Education in 1934. I am interested in taking additional work in the above field or in a combination between Health and Physical Education and Education. Would you be kind enough to send me particulars regarding 1. Type of degree given Ph. D., D. E., etc. ce Length of time required in residence. Se Number of summer sessions and regular sessions required, - 4, Tuition. 5. Possibility of some credit by examination. Thanking you for an early reply, I am Very truly yours; Gia dU. Reus Fred V. Hein, Director of FVH: JTG Physical Education February 21, 1959. . le Oliver Hobbs, Lawrence, Kansas. r Dear Ire Hobbes We heard countless mmbers of complimente on the very excellent performance of your band last night at our basketball game. : ‘The people here at the "hiversity have learned to appreciate excellent band music under the direotion of ire Russell Vileye It is for that reason that they appreciate your band because you did a grand jobe | ‘i will appreciate it if you will extend our thanks to the persomiel of your band, and remember to keep some aporece tative words for yourself. If at any time we can cooperate in ae any with the fine band of your school it will be a pleasure a0 8660 Sincerely yours, 2 Director of Physical Muoation, FCAsAH | Varsity Sasketball Coach. AMERICAN NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. W.L.MOODY,IR,PRESIDENT a GALVESTON, TEXAS E.A. REE S,MANA GER INDUSTRIAL DEPT. September 2, 19366 Mre Forrest Ce Allen, Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kanse Rez: Mre Ae George Hultecne Dear Mre Allens: At the request of lire We Le Moody, III, Vice-President, I am writing you regarding the agency application of Mre Ae George Hulteen of Lawrence, Kansase We feel you are aware that a company such as ours must necessarily have certain and very definite rules by which to be governed in the selection of men for agencies, these rules, of course, being based on past experience extending over a period of many yearse As to the application of Mr. Hulteen, may we state for your information that after having given his applicae tion for agency the usual study and careful considera= tion, it was our decision that he would be better suited for some line of work different to that of ours, and our declining his application is intended in no manner to reflect upon his character or good standing, which we would have no reason to questione Trusting this information will convey a means of better understanding as to our act in this matter, I am, EAR/fz AMERICAN NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. W.bL.MOODY,JR,PRESIDENT GALVESTON, TEXAS WE. .M:O'o By; 411, VICE PRESIDENT August 31, 19 38 Mr, Forrest ¢. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Your letter relative to Mr. A. George Hulteen has just been received and as I am leaving the City immediately to be gone a week or ten days I will not have the time just now to report to you myself, but will have the matter thoroughly investigated and you will receive additional information from one of our Executives. I hope that we can arrange to approve the application for Mr. Hulteen and your recommendation will be given every consideration. Very truly yours, WK Weel git Vice-President WLM,III/cik Septauber 20, 1958. MeGroawdit. 12 Seer Cenpenty ef Sow Math ant wolla fiw Ss0te “setter Basketball" is far superior to “sy Basketball Bible“, which I wrote in i924. It is up to date, expleining the newest developments in the game, is illustrated, and I believe you would find it very helpful in your coaching. co describing the contents of the books Mont sporting goode houses carry this book, tut $2 you wish to send me 04.00 f wilt be iad to wait yon © couy, postpaid. I shall be glad to autograph it if you so Thanking you for your inquiry, oe ae or + ee a oe Sineersly yours, : ee a a Mire Viclroy Migsins, ; ( Osceola, Iovie Dear Coach Higgins: I have miled a copy of “Setter Basketball" to you, postpaid, which you should receive in due time. I trust that it will be of much interest and benefit to you in your coachings Thenking you for your order, and with best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity, Basketball Coach. BOARD OF EDUCATION MAXINE JO" WOODY D. ALICE WILSEY HOLLENBERG, KANSAS . Lhe | 5 ak Chat U Dtee a Lipson eos 8 FACULTY MAXINE JO WOODY D. ALICE WILSEY EVELYN WEHLING GUY J. WELLS Hollenberg City Schools L. B. HEFLING, sSupr. HOLLENBERG, KANSAS BOARD OF EDUCATION Lb. 2 EESe H. C. HENDERSON H. F. LICHTENBERGER October 11, 1938. ug Taff ; teehee “age ! 3 ! a AL ned ti 3 Fai eageil 3 i fi a ta Bilis? Rees aff . uz g-§8s 77 elias a ala ii ii + a a i MEMBERS OF BOARD STATE OF KANSAS F. S. HAWES, M. D., PRESIDENT, RUSSELL J. F. HASSIG, M. D., SECRETARY, KANSAS CITY, KAN. H. E. HASKINS, M. D., KINGMAN J. E. HENSHALL, M. D., OSBORNE M. C. RUBLE, M. D., PARSONS J. A. WHEELER, M. D., NEWTON Cc. E. JOSS, M. D., TOPEKA BOARD OF MEDICAL REGISTRATION AND EXAMINATION OFFICE OF A J. F. HASSIG, M. D., SECRETARY 2H hag Nn4 905 NORTH SEVENTH STREET ; : ‘itd KANSAS CITY, KAN. -. en fo fe Lace KANSAS CITY, KANsAS__OCtober 10, 1958 Dr. Forrest C. Alien Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The Pharmacy and Medical Boards are holding a joint session at the Wareham Hotel in Manhattan Saturday morning, October 29. It appears that this is the date on which Kansas University and Kansas State play a game of football. If this is a fact I am certain that members of the Boards will want to attend the same and it would be much nicer for us if we could be seated together, so I am wonder- ing if it would be possible for you to set aside a block of at least 20 or 25 tickets for the time being, or at least until we know definitely how many seats we will need. At present I have nine seats sold and three members of the Medical Board to hear from. Of course, this does not include as yet any reservations for the members of the Phar- macy Board. We shall mail a remittance just as soon as we know the exact number of tickets. With kindest regards, I am Very sincerely yours, JFH: JH 2 EDGAR L. HOLLIS ~~ CMRP OAC WK NoTEe & KANSAS) BANK NOTE Ca, PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS - - = BANK AND COMMERCIAL STATIONERS =. -.-s.-COUPON BOOKS AND: STRIP TFICKeT. FIFTH & JEFFERSON STREETS — ESTABLISHED IN 1906 FREDONIA,KAN SAS) i a & September 16, 1938 Dr. F. CG. Allen, Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Your long letter of the sixth received. I meant to leave the impression with you that William Walter wanted to attend the University of Kansas, if at all possible. It would be necessary that he receive some financial assistance. If the athletic department could help him in securing a position that would pay a few dollars, he would be smart, in my opinion, to let them assist him. He would be more certain of ob- taining a job than he would be rooting around Lawrence for himself. The University of Iowa was after this boy. He didn't want to go there if he could possibly go to K.U. He is now a student at the University of Kansas. Sincerely, ELH: WJH detober Sy 1956. in this skillful game that teaches mon to fight with noble ideals’ Wow, Chuck, don*t ever write any of then Smt you are tg che gal 5 abeiaiekine collars They might think that you are The Big Six coaches are as follows: ee ee ee ee Frank Reot, Kansas State College, Manhatten | We Harold Brome, University of lebrasim, Lincoln George Edwards, University of Missouri, Colunbia wis E. Mengse, Iown State College, Ames = Jesse James, at Lawrences | Bees | Mrestor of F Varsity |