MEMBERS OF BOARD STATE OF KANSAS F. S. HAWES, M. D., PRESIDENT, RUSSELL J. F. HASSIG, M. D., SECRETARY, KANSAS CITY, KAN. H. E. HASKINS, M. D., KINGMAN J. E. HENSHALL, M. D., OSBORNE M. C. RUBLE, M. D., PARSONS J. A. WHEELER, M. D., NEWTON Cc. E. JOSS, M. D., TOPEKA BOARD OF MEDICAL REGISTRATION AND EXAMINATION OFFICE OF A J. F. HASSIG, M. D., SECRETARY 2H hag Nn4 905 NORTH SEVENTH STREET ; : ‘itd KANSAS CITY, KAN. -. en fo fe Lace KANSAS CITY, KANsAS__OCtober 10, 1958 Dr. Forrest C. Alien Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The Pharmacy and Medical Boards are holding a joint session at the Wareham Hotel in Manhattan Saturday morning, October 29. It appears that this is the date on which Kansas University and Kansas State play a game of football. If this is a fact I am certain that members of the Boards will want to attend the same and it would be much nicer for us if we could be seated together, so I am wonder- ing if it would be possible for you to set aside a block of at least 20 or 25 tickets for the time being, or at least until we know definitely how many seats we will need. At present I have nine seats sold and three members of the Medical Board to hear from. Of course, this does not include as yet any reservations for the members of the Phar- macy Board. We shall mail a remittance just as soon as we know the exact number of tickets. With kindest regards, I am Very sincerely yours, JFH: JH 2