EDGAR L. HOLLIS ~~ CMRP OAC WK NoTEe & KANSAS) BANK NOTE Ca, PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS - - = BANK AND COMMERCIAL STATIONERS =. -.-s.-COUPON BOOKS AND: STRIP TFICKeT. FIFTH & JEFFERSON STREETS — ESTABLISHED IN 1906 FREDONIA,KAN SAS) i a & September 16, 1938 Dr. F. CG. Allen, Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Your long letter of the sixth received. I meant to leave the impression with you that William Walter wanted to attend the University of Kansas, if at all possible. It would be necessary that he receive some financial assistance. If the athletic department could help him in securing a position that would pay a few dollars, he would be smart, in my opinion, to let them assist him. He would be more certain of ob- taining a job than he would be rooting around Lawrence for himself. The University of Iowa was after this boy. He didn't want to go there if he could possibly go to K.U. He is now a student at the University of Kansas. Sincerely, ELH: WJH